University of Nebraska at Kearney
College of Natural and Social Sciences

1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalog

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

Computer Science Information Systems Major

Six major options are available:
I. Computer Science Option - Bachelor of Science Degree
II. Computer Information Systems Option - Bachelor of Science Degree
III. Computer Science Comprehensive Option - Bachelor of Science Degree
IV. Airway Computer Science Comprehensive Option - Bachelor of Science Degree
V. Computer Information Systems Comprehensive Option - Bachelor of Science Degree
VI. Computer Science Teaching Subject Endorsement Option - Bachelor of Science in Education Degree

Other Programs:
Students pursuing a field endorsement or two subject endorsements in other areas may obtain an Additional Endorsement in Computer Science.
The minor in Computer Science is available for students pursuing majors in other disciplines.
The minor in Computer Information Systems is available for students pursuing majors in other disciplines.

Computer Science and Information Systems courses are also used as "Areas of Emphasis" within the Business Administration Comprehensive Major, the Organization Communications Comprehensive Major, and the Telecommunications Management Comprehensive Major.

Common Core Courses

All of the options in the Computer Science/Information Systems Major contain the following core courses:
CSIS 130 Introduction to Computer Science
CSIS 150 Structured Programming
CSIS 220 Computer Organization

The common core allows students to defer the decision as to which option to select.

I. Computer Science Option - Bachelor of Science Degree

This option aligns with the core requirements of the Computer Science Undergraduate Model Curriculum as recommended by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

A.General Studies Program - 45 hours (including MATH 115)
B. Computer Science Option - 36 hours (Courses listed below with no grade less than a "C")
C. One minor or major from another dept - 24-36 hours
D. Electives to total - 125 hours

CSIS 130GS Intro to Computer Science - 3
CSIS 150 Structured Programming - 3
CSIS 180 Discrete Structures - 3
CSIS 201 Assembler Language - 3
CSIS 220 Computer Organization - 3
CSIS 230 Principles of Programming Languages - 3
CSIS 330 Algorithms and Data Structures - 3
CSIS 401 Operating Systems - 3
CSIS 402 Intro to Automata, Formal Languages, and Computability - 3
CSIS 496 Seminar in Computer Science - 3
Electives (300-400 level courses in Computer Science as approved by Department) - 6

II. Computer Information Systems Option - Bachelor of Science Degree

This option aligns with the core requirements of the Information Systems Undergraduate Model Curriculum as recommended by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

A.General Studies Program (including Math 123 and BSAD 233 or equivalents) - 45 hours
B.Computer Information Systems Option (Courses listed below with no grade less than a "C") - 36 hours
C.One minor or major from another dept. - 24-36 hours
D.Electives to total - 125 hours

CSIS 110GS Structured COBOL - 3
CSIS 130GS Intro to Computer Science - 3
CSIS 150 Structured Programming - 3
CSIS 220 Computer Organization - 3
CSIS 310 Advanced Structured COBOL - 3
CSIS 350 Information System Concepts - 3
CSIS 375 Operations Research - 3
CSIS 380 System Analysis & Design I - 3
CSIS 400 Computer Simulation - 3
CSIS 420 System Analysis & Design II - 3
CSIS 425 Data Base Systems - 3
CSIS 428 Data Comm. & Distributed Processing - 3

III. Computer Science Comprehensive Option - Bachelor of Science Degree

This option aligns with the model curriculum for an undergraduate program in Computer Science as recommended by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). This degree is especially recommended for those students intending to pursue advanced degrees in Computer Science.

A. General Studies Program (includes MATH 115 and PHYS 205GS or PHYS 275GS) - 45 hours
B. Computer Science Comprehensive Option(Courses listed below with no grade less than a "C"). - 62 hours
C. Electives to total - 125 hours

CSIS 130GS Intro to Computer Science - 3
CSIS 150 Structured Programming - 3
CSIS 180 Discrete Structures - 3
CSIS 201 Assembler Language - 3
CSIS 220Computer Organization - 3
CSIS 230 Principles of Programming Languages - 3
CSIS 330 Algorithms and Data Structures - 3
CSIS 401 Operating Systems - 3
CSIS 402 Intro to Automata, Formal Languages, and Computability - 3
CSIS 425 Data Base Systems - 3
CSIS 441 Artificial Intelligence - 3
CSIS 496 Seminar in Computer Science - 3
MATH 202 Calculus II with Analytical Geometry - 5
MATH 260 Calculus III - 5
MATH 420 Numerical Analysis - 3
MATH 440 Linear Algebra - 3
STAT 345 Applied Statistics I - 3
Electives: (300-400 level in Computer Science, Math, Statistics, or Physics courses as approved by Department) - 7

IV. Airway Computer Science Comprehensive Option - Bachelor of Science Degree

This option is accredited by the University Aviation Association for educating prospective Federal Aviation Administration employees and prospective employees of the aviation/aerospace industry. FAA employment requires a private pilot's license which requires an FAA Class III medical certificate.

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Science-Mathematics Core - 19 hours
C. Aviation Core - 13 hours
D. Management Core - 9 hours
E. Computer Science Core (Courses listed below with no grade less than a "C") - 47 hours
F. Electives to total - 125 hours

B. Science-Mathematics Core - 19 hours
BIOL 315GS Human Ecology - 3
MATH 115 Calculus I with Analytical Geometry - 5
STAT 345 Applied Statistics I - 3
STAT 380 Statistical Models - 3
PHYS 205GS General Physics - 5

C. Aviation Core - 13 hours
BASM 200 Private Pilot Ground - 3
BASM 291 Private Pilot Flight - 1
BASM 362 Aviation Safety - 3
BASM 363 Aviation Law - 3
PHYS 209GS Meteorology - or
GEOG 209GS Meteorology - 3

D. Management Core - 9 hours
BMGT 380 Human Resource Management - 3
BMGT 301 Principles of Management - 3
BMGT 455 Organizational Behavior - 3

E. Computer Science Core - 47 hours
CSIS 130GS Intro to Computer Science - 3
CSIS 150 Structured Programming - 3
CSIS 180 Discrete Structures - 3
CSIS 201 Assembler Languages - 3
CSIS 220 Computer Organization - 3
CSIS 230 Principles of Programming Languages - 3
CSIS 310, 318 or 415 Advanced Programming - 3
CSIS 330 Algorithms and Data Structures - 3
CSIS 375 Operations Research - 3
CSIS 400 Computer Simulation - 3
CSIS 401 Operating Systems - 3
CSIS 402 Introduction to Automata, Formal Languages and Computability - 3
CSIS 425 Data Base Systems - 3
CSIS 428 Data Comm. & Distributed Processing - 3
Electives: (300-400 level courses in Computer Science courses as approved by Department) - 5

V. Computer Information Systems Comprehensive Option - Bachelor of Science

This option aligns with the model curricula for undergraduate programs in Computer Information Systems as recommended by the Data Processing Management Association (DPMA) and in Information Systems as recommended by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). This option is especially recommended for those students who intend to pursue an advanced degree in Computer Information Systems.

A. General Studies Program (including MATH 123 and BSAD 233 or equivalents) - 45 hours
B. Computer Information Systems Comprehensive Option (Courses listed below with no grade less than a "C") - 64 hours
C. Electives to total - 125 hours

CSIS 100.1 Word Processing - 1
CSIS 100.2 Spread Sheet - 1
CSIS 100.3 Data Base - 1
CSIS 100.4 MS/DOS - 1
CSIS 110GS Structured COBOL - 3
CSIS 130GS Intro to Computer Science - 3
CSIS 150 Structured Programming - 3
CSIS 201 Assembler Languages - 3
CSIS 220 Computer Organization - 3
CSIS 310 Advanced Structured COBOL - 3
CSIS 350 Information System Concepts - 3
CSIS 375 Operations Research - 3
CSIS 380 System Analysis & Design I - 3
CSIS 400 Computer Simulation - 3
CSIS 420 System Analysis & Design II - 3
CSIS 425 Data Base Systems - 3
CSIS 428 Data Comm. and Distributed Processing - 3
CSIS 441 Artificial Intelligence - 3
BACC 250 Beginning Accounting I - 3
BACC 251 Beginning Accounting II - 3
BACC 301 Managerial Accounting - 3
BFIN 308 Principles of Finance - 3
BMGT 301 Principles of Management - 3

At least one of the following: - 3 hours
BMKT 300 Marketing - 3
BMGT 380 Human Resource Management - 3
BMGT 414 Production Management - 3
BMGT 455 Organizational Behavior - 3

VI . Computer Science Teaching Subject Endorsement Option- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree

A. General Studies Program (see advisor for requirements) 45 hours
B. Professional Sequence in Education - 25-30 hours
C. Computer Science Subject Endorsement Option (Courses listed below with no grade less than a "C") - 36 hours
D. One Subject Endorsement other than Computer Science - 30-39 hours
E. Electives to total - 125 hours

CSIS 130 Intro to Computer Science - 3
CSIS 150 Structured Programming - 3
CSIS 180 Discrete Structures - 3
CSIS 201 Assembler Languages - 3
CSIS 220 Computer Organization - 3
CSIS 440 Hypertext and Multimedia - 3
CSIS 330 Algorithms and Data Structures - 3
CSIS 401 Operating Systems - 3
CSIS 436 Computer Assisted Instruction - 3
CSIS 437 Teaching of Computer Science - 3
CSIS 496 Seminar in Computer Science - 3
Electives: (300-400 level courses in Computer Science as approved by Department) - 3

Additional Endorsement in Computer Science

A. This endorsement must be paired with a field endorsement or two subject endorsements
B. Computer Science Additional Endorsement (Courses listed below with no grade less than "C") - 24 hours
CSIS 130GS Intro to Computer Science - 3
CSIS 150 Structured Programming - 3
CSIS 180 Discrete Structures - 3
CSIS 201 Assembler Languages - 3
CSIS 220 Computer Organization - 3
CSIS 330 Algorithms and Data Structures - 3
CSIS 436 Computer Assisted Instruction - 3
CSIS 437 Teaching of Computer Science - 3

Computer Science Minor - 24 hours

(Courses listed below with no grade less than "C").

CSIS 130GS Intro to Computer Science - 3
CSIS 150 Structured Programming - 3
CSIS 180 Discrete Structures - 3
CSIS 201 Assembler Languages - 3
CSIS 220 Computer Organization - 3
CSIS 230 Principles of Programming Languages - 3
CSIS 330 Algorithms and Data Structures - 3
CSIS 401 Operating Systems - 3

Computer Information Systems Minor - 24 hours

(Courses listed below with no grade less than "C").

CSIS 110GS Structured COBOL - 3
CSIS 130GS Introduction to Computer Science - 3
CSIS 150 Structured Programming - 3
CSIS 220 Computer Organization - 3
CSIS 310 Advanced Structured COBOL - 3
CSIS 350 Information System Concepts - 3
CSIS 380 System Analysis & Design I - 3
CSIS 420 System Analysis & Design II - 3

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