2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog
Offered by Department of Sociology, Geography and Earth Science

GIScience Minor

Minimum hours required for minor = 24

  1. Requirements (23 hours required)
    • Take 1 course from:
      • GEOG 101GS, Physical Geography I: The Atmosphere - 4 hours
      • GEOG 102GS, Physical Geography II: The Lithosphere - 4 hours
    • Take 1 course from:
    • Take all of the following:
      • GEOG 310, Cartography - 3 hours
      • GEOG 315, Geographic Information Systems - Principles and Concepts - 4 hours
      • GEOG 316, GIS - Working with GIS and Spatial Analysis - 3 hours
      • GEOG 317, Remote Sensing of Environment - 3 hours
      • GEOG 416, Applications of Geographic Information Systems - 3 hours
  2. Electives (1 hour required)

9 Oct 2012
