2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

Offered by Department of Economics
College of Business and Technology

VOED Courses

VOED 432 - Foundations and Contemporary Issues in Vocational Education - 1-3 hours
Prereq: none
Origins and philosophy of vocational education and its relationship to the school curriculum. Required for vocational endorsement and recommended as an elective for school administrators.
VOED 434 - Introduction to Students with Special Needs - 3 hours
Prereq: none
A study of the characteristics of disadvantaged and individuals with disabilities. Emphasis is on the identification, similarities, differences, learning characteristics, manifest behaviors, and cultural diversity of these students. Multicultural values are examined with an emphasis toward understanding the impact upon classroom organization and management.
VOED 499 - Special Problems in Vocational Education - 1-3 hours
Prereq: permission of instructor
Independent investigations of vocational education problems. Topics to be investigated may be tailored to meet the needs of the student.

10 Nov 2011
