Student Assessment Committee Meeting
Meeting of March 25, 2005
PRESENT: Students: Alisha Nabity, Chris Denton, Tom Schlund,
Jennifer Bienhoff, and Tanis Saldivar
Faculty: Dr. Butler
ABSENT: Students: Megan Boss
Tanis called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. in Room 2122 of Founders Hall.
- General Studies Assessment Survey-The survey has been reviewed and approved by the GS Assessment sub-committee and by the Directors of Assessment and GS. Minor changes were made. It also received IRB approval. The survey will be sent to all students on Monday, March 28th. Results will be discussed at our next meeting.
- A "Culture of Assessment Article" was discussed as a possible PR item for the committee, an article will be created the school bulletin, and Tom mentioned that a good PR opportunity for the committee may be to create flyers for the Residence Halls.
- A possible campus assessment day was discussed for the committee to think about and discuss. This may be an initiative for the committee for the 2005-2006 academic year.
- Student assessment committee events for the spring include possible Focus groups on GS and the UNK Assessment Conference on April 29, 2005.
- Additional members of the committee will be added in the Fall, so that each college has 2 representatives. We also discussed any groups on campus-like international students-who are not currently represented on many student groups/committees, who we might want as part of the committee.
- Discussion of focus groups was postponed until data is collected and analyzed following the General Studies Assessment Survey results. IF there isn't time to do the focus groups this semester, this will be the first activity in the Fall.
- The next Student Assessment Committee Meeting will be April 15, 2005, at 2:00 P.M. in Room 2122 Founders Hall. The meeting adjourned at 2:45 P.M.