Meeting of the Assessment Committee
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Academic Affairs Conference Room (2122), Founder's Hall 3:30 p.m.
Present: Bishop, Butler, Crocker, Elliott, Hodge, Hoehner, Moore, Powell, Unruh, Van Ingen, Wilke
Absent: Cutler, Jackowiak, Lomicky, Wadkins, Wozniak
The meeting was called to order by Glen Powell, committee chair.
- Powell explained that the meeting would be short, to allow time to break into subcommittees.
He briefly explained the general framework for the tasks of the two subcommittees.
- Governance: Now that the NCA visit is over, the subcommittee will review the assessment strategic plan, along with the NCA report recommendations and new NCA criteria that will take effect in January of 2005. The subcommittee will then evaluate the current status of assessment and develop a new assessment strategic plan for the future. Subcommittee Members: Chair-Glen Powell, Janet Wilke, Tami Moore, Bill Wozniak, Teresa Watkins, Lynne Jackowiak, Scott Unruh, Jeanne Cutler
- Assessment Reports and Trends: The subcommittee will review the assessment reports submitted in the last two years to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses and determine if the reports are measuring the most helpful information across campus, all in an effort to increase the effectiveness of reporting. The subcommittee will identify exemplar characteristics from current reports in order to further refine the criteria to be used in the future for assessment report development. Subcommittee Members: Chair-Jeanne Butler, Carol Lomicky, Ron Crocker, Kay Hodge, Paul Bishop, Linda VanIngen, Pat Hoehner, Kim Elliott
- Powell indicated that the assessment budget is nearing the final stages of approval. He will make the official announcement in the next assessment newsletter, which will come out next week.
- Powell reported on the progress of the website: The new format is up, and Cutler and Elliott are working on putting up the 2004 reports. All of the reports will be password protected as part of the new format, in order to keep data contained within the campus. Faculty will have access to all reports, and requests to view data from outside campus will be forwarded to the appropriate department.
- Butler and Powell are developing a one day assessment conference in April that will also include students. In an effort to develop the assessment culture, they also plan to form an assessment committee of students in the spring.
- Meeting broke at 4:00 p.m. for meetings with subcommittees.
Respectfully submitted,
Kim Elliott, Scribe
Glen Powell, Chair