Meeting of the Assessment Committee
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Academic Affairs Conference Room (2122), Founder's Hall 3:30 p.m.
Present: Bishop, Butler, Crocker, Cutler, Elliott, Hodge, Hoehner, Jackowiak, Lomicky, Moore, Powell, Van Ingen, Wadkins, Wilke, Wozniak
Absent: Unruh
The meeting was called to order by Glen Powell, committee chair.
- Powell distributed the 2004 NSSE report. Members received copies of the Means Comparison Report, the Institutional Benchmark Report, as well as two tables of profiles containing longitudinal data Powell prepared for easier comparison and analysis. Powell explained that the 2005 NSSE was not ordered because right now the data is not tied to a particular goal, and UNK currently has three years of NSSE results, which can inform strategic planning decisions.
- The Center for Teaching Excellence will be offering a faculty development activity approximately once a month. Committee members were encouraged to attend, perhaps one event per semester.
- The assessment budget for this fiscal year has $4,000 set aside for conferences. Powell will be attending the NCA conference, and a team of four will be attending the General Education Assessment conference in Atlanta in February. Next year the amount will be increased to roughly $11,000, and the priority will be stipends for faculty development. Each member was encouraged to think about the possibility of attending a conference, with a goal that each member would attend one over the course of his or her term. Stipends will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis. Faculty not on the committee will be awarded stipends for development, as well.
- Butler has planned a regional assessment conference at the end of April, in order to further develop an assessment culture on campus. The Platte Valley Assessment Conference will take place on Friday, April 29. Butler will be looking for volunteers to review papers for presentation and to assist in running the conference. She is looking for a keynote speaker and would welcome suggestions.
- The general meeting ended at 3:50 p.m. for meetings with subcommittees.
- The Governance subcommittee began a review of the assessment strategic plan developed in 2000. The purpose of the review is to determine what has been accomplished to date and to revise the plan to reflect needs over the next 4-5 years.
- The Report subcommittee began a review of the annual assessment reporting format in order to identify reporting exemplars and revise the format for more effective use in the future.
Respectfully submitted,
Kim Elliott, Scribe
Glen Powell, Chair