First Year Program Annual Report 2004
Section 8: Summary and Recommendations
Summary of Evaluations
Student Outcomes
- Improves student's academic skills: written and oral communications,
critical thinking.
- Items 1 and 3 indicate that FY students improved their communication skills and critical thinking, 64% and 77% respectively.
- Promotes new students' enthusiasm for and commitment to UNK.
- The First Year Program is the only means of introducing first-year students through practice to the academic community and the entire college experience. 82% of the FY students felt they became aware of the principles of academic freedom and their responsibility in an active, student-centered learning environment.
- Increases student awareness and understanding of diversity on campus.
- The First Year courses take different approaches to including diversity issues into their classes: multicultural, domestic diversity; cross-cultural diversity; diversity in learning styles; diversity in lifestyle; unity and community amidst diversity. 67% of the FY students took advantage of the opportunity to explore diversity on the UNK campus within the context of FY courses.
- Satisfaction with First Year Program and UNK.
- 79% of FY students indicated that they were satisfied with their FY experience and 93% indicated satisfaction with the UNK experience.
InterCampus Cooperation
- Increases student utilization of campus support services and participation
in campus life.
- FY students became more familiar with resources available for academic, personal, and career concerns. 79% of students said that they found these sources useful.
- Integrates library orientation into FY course instruction.
- Library staff has prepared a program for the FY sections focusing on each discipline's needs and requests.
Student Peer Leader Training
- Student Peer Leader training.
- Specific sessions for SPLs addressing topics such as Intercultural Competence; Interpersonal Communication Skills; Problem Solving with Individuals; Understanding Group Process and Leading Groups Effectively; Using Campus Resources and Referral Techniques.
- Better support and supervision from Administrative Assistant.
- Increased SPL stipend ($1000) and process for distribution via Finance Office.
Faculty and Instructional Development
- Promotes curriculum development.
- The FY program objectives have the flexibility to adopt diverse topics and methodologies to curriculum development at the introductory levels, including both General Studies courses and introductions within departments at UNK.
- The FY course enhances curriculum development by providing the opportunity to introduce students to the meaning, purpose, and value of a liberal arts background at UNK.
- Stimulates instructional development of faculty.
- FY Training Workshops provide the opportunity for faculty to explore new teaching strategies and to fine-tune their teaching methodologies.
- Promotes connections among all four colleges on campus and cooperation between Academic and Student Affairs offices, thus creating a heightened feeling of an integrated campus community.
- Faculty Professional Development.
- The FY program encouraged and funded three faculty presentations at two national conferences.
Program Administration
- Created the Administrative Assistant position through Graduate Studies Office.
- Graduate Assistant job description:
- Maintain program files;
- Supervise SPLs;
- Organize monthly meetings for FY faculty and SPLs;
- Serve as FY Advisory Council secretary;
- Assist in preparation of Training Workshops;
- Assist in FY program evaluation and assessment.
- Graduate Assistant job description:
Student Outcomes
- Create First Year Program Guide for students.
- Enlist cooperation of Kearney Area Chamber of Commerce to support FY student activities.
- Develop annual First Year Convocation to introduce students to academic life and their responsibilities.
Campus Support
- Cooperate between Academic and Students Affairs offices to enhance an integrated university experience, e.g., timely announcement of activities relative to FY courses.
- Devise better classroom follow-ups for Student Affairs activities.
Training Workshops
- Reinstitute Summer Writing Across the Curriculum Workshops for FY faculty.
- Generate diversity assignments.
- Integrate Student Affairs personnel: Residence Life, Health Services.
- Coordinate with Summer and Fall Orientation schedules to promote the FY program.
Student Peer Leaders
- Devise a better process and policy for hiring of SPLs.
- Include former SPLs in Training sessions.
- Coordinate with Nebraskan Student Union for SPL office space.
Program Administration
- Reassess Director Workload and Stipend.
- Hire clerical support staff.
- Reassess office space.
- Revitalize and restructure FY Advisory Council.
Program Development
- Encourage new FY course proposals by devising a means for rewarding departments and faculty for participation in FY program.