First Year Program Annual Report 2004

I. Presentation of Task Force Project

E. Hallmark #5: Campus Organization

  1. Has organizational structures and policies that provide a comprehensive, coordinated approach to the first year. These structures and policies provide oversight and coordination of all first-year efforts. A coherent first-year experience is realized through partnerships among academic, student affairs, and other administrative units.
  2. Suggested Revision:
    A coherent first-year experience is realized through partnerships among academic, student affairs, and other administrative units. Organizational and administrative structures, policies, and lines of authority provide a comprehensive, coordinated approach to the first year.
  3. Suggested Areas for Review
    1. Specific organizational and budgetary unit(s) devoted to the first-year.
    2. Staffing assignments specific to first year (e.g., leadership and related; specific, first-year-related job descriptions; focused recruiting and preparation for working with diverse students)
    3. Budget (e.g., specific allocation to first year; hard-money [vs. soft or one-time] support)
    4. Faculty and staff reward systems cognizant of first-year activities
    5. Faculty development programs
    6. Formal interconnections among units within and across vice-presidential areas
    7. Communications systems (both w/in and outside, e.g., w/ families)
    8. Governance mechanisms (e.g., faculty senate oversight committee on first year)
    9. Planning processes and structures (first year a consideration in program planning and development
    10. Annual faculty and staff performance reviews take specific account of first-year-related activities
  4. Sources and Forms of Evidence
    • Identify kinds and amount of support for first year experience
    • Identify kinds of staffing support for first year (e.g., clerical staff, student support staff, academic support, extracurricular events)
    • Categorize budget allocations to first year (e.g., university budget item; grants or awards; in-kind support; ongoing or one-time support)
    • Draw attention to faculty and staff awards that support first year. Are there stipends for faculty and staff participation? Other award monies?
    • What faculty support is available to course and instructional development (e.g., teaching centers; stipends; off-campus development)
    • Do administrative staff committees acknowledge first year efforts? Are vice presidents, vice chancellors directly involved in the development and presentation of first year objectives?
    • Identify lines of communication between campus and off-campus groups involved in first year (first year faculty & staff, parents, community)
    • To what extent does a faculty government interact with first year program?
    • Does administration commit both campus resources and budget to first year program development and maintenance? In what ways?
    • What ways do department and faculty reviews take first year participation into account with tenure and promotion? Merit pay? Other types of recognition and reward?
    • How is the first year experience organized? Director's responsibilities? Committee organization? To what administrative office does the first year experience report?