First Year Program Annual Report 2004
I. Presentation of Task Force Project
A. Hallmark #1: Institutional Philosophy
- Approaches the first year in ways that are intentional, explicit, and based on a clear philosophy/rationale for students' first year. The overall institutional philosophy, as it relates to first-year students, is explicit, consistent with the broader institutional mission, clear and easily understood, and, as appropriate, reflects a consensus of campus constituencies.
- Suggested Revision:
Approaches to first year programs strive for an active, student-centered learning environment that fosters personal and intellectual development essential to responsible life in society (such as integrity, respect for others, initiative, diligence, quantitative skills, and capacities for clear thinking, speaking and writing). Campus opportunities engage students not only with academic experiences but also with activities in residential life and in arts, athletics, service, study and social groups. - Suggested Areas for Review
- Institutional mission and visions statements
- Planning documents, self-study, and reaccredidation documents
- Curriculum (structures; interdisciplinary connections; articulated first-year cirricular plan)
- Clear specification of the institution's expectations - both academic and otherwise - for its students
- Comprehensive orientation program with significant involvement of academic affairs
- Admissions
- Informational materials (e.g., view books, websites, ads)
- Recruiting strategies
- Course staffing assignments (e.g., Who teaches first-year students?)
- Class size policies (e.g., any limits on class size, or on how many large courses first-year students may take)
- Residence hall policies (e.g., first-year student hall; require living on-campus in first year)
- Sources and Forms of Evidence
- Institutional mission and visions statements
- University-wide policy statement, long term planning
- Campus catalogues, institution mission statements, long term planning
- College mission statements, long term planning
- Department mission statements, long term planning
- Support services (e.g., academic support, health and wellness support, campus organizations)
- Planning documents, self-study, and reaccredidation documents
- University-wide initiatives
- Campus strategic plans, annual reviews (e.g., of administrators, faculty, support services), long term planning
- College missions statements and long-term plans, annual reviews
- Department mission statements and long-term plans, annual reviews
- External Reviews (e.g., Academic Program Reviews, North Central Assessment)
- Curriculum (structures; interdisciplinary connections; articulated first-year curricular
- Sample course syllabis
- Faculty assessment of course offerings and instruction
- Student assessment of course offerings and instruction
- Special campus initiatives for instructional development
- Comprehensive orientation program with significant involvement of academic affairs
- Summer Orientation programs and activities
- Special presentations by administration to first year students (e.g., upper administration & deans)
- Pre-Fall Introductions
- Year-long follow-up of Orientation information
- Admissions
- Academic Advising policies
- Admission Office role in academic advising
- College personnel advising
- Department advising
- Informational Materials
- Policies from undergraduate catalog
- Admissions materials
- Residence hall communities information and participant profile information
- Website (learning communities, lifestyle communities, service communities)
- Local and regional newspapers, educational organizations newsletters and correspondence
- State and local government information about educational issues
- Recruiting Strategies
- University-wide marketing and advertising for various campuses
- Campus admission materials
- College and department materials
- Alumni materials
- Current student support
- Support from community (e.g., Chamber of Commerce, public schools)
- Course Staffing Assignments
- Data collection of instructors of general studies courses and courses numbered 100/200
- Cross data analysis of all-freshmen courses, and majority freshmen section enrollments
- First-year course instructors (Profiles in terms of degree, rank, years in profession, gender, ethnicity, age)
- Class Size Policies
- Data collection of course enrollments of all first year, general studies course sections and courses numbered 100/200
- Official or anecdotal policies from academic advising, department chairs, and registrar's office
- Residence hall policies (First-year student hall. Required on-campus living)
- Policy from catalogs, admission materials, residence hall materials
- Residence hall communities information and participant profile information (learning, service and lifestyle communities)
- Campus Website
- Institutional mission and visions statements