First Year Program Annual Program 2004

Appendix A: Student Survey Results


  1. Do you feel that you have gained or improved writing and oral communication skills (such as essay exams, response papers, position papers, or extended essays; discussion, debate, or argumentation in University forums)?

    Very Much: 45 Somewhat: 126 A Little: 74 Not at All: 23 /268

  2. Have you become aware, through a library project and instruction, of resources, print or online, available from the library (general library information; searching and information retrieval process; research methodologies)?

    Very Much: 104 Somewhat: 107 A Little: 46 Not at All: 11 /268

  3. Have you engaged in critical, analytical, reflective thinking about issues and ideas encountered in this course?

    Very Much: 90 Somewhat: 116 A Little: 53 Not at All: 9 /268

  4. Have you learned to access, analyze and synthesize information available through information technology (such as the integration of computer and academic experience through successful use of the campus Blackboard system, word processing, and research assignments)?

    Very Much: 145 Somewhat: 92 A Little: 26 Not at All: 5 /268

  5. Do you know a faculty or staff member you can go to with questions or concerns about classes/programs of study?

    Yes: 248 No: 20 /268

  6. How available are Academic Services to you when you need them? (e.g., tutors, personal counselors, Writing Center, computer labs)?

    Very Much: 152 Somewhat: 83 A Little: 26 Not at All: 0 N/A: 2 /263

Extracurricular Activities

  1. Have you gotten to know a faculty or staff member outside of class?

    Yes: 111 No: 154 /265

  2. How much did you interact with other First Year students outside of class?

    Very Much: 81 Somewhat: 104 A Little: 59 Not at All: 21 /265

  3. Have you joined any clubs or student organizations at UNK?

    Yes: 130 No: 135 /265

  4. Are you working while taking classes?

    Yes: 135 No: 130 /265

  5. Do you live in a Residence Hall?

    Yes: 234 No: 31 /265

  6. Have you become familiar with resources available for academic, personal, and career concerns (i.e., Student Handbook, Undergraduate Catalog, and other important university policies in relation to classroom expectations, sexual harassment, academic dishonesty, privacy guidelines and graduation requirements)?

    Very Much: 90 Somewhat: 120 A Little: 52 Not at All: 6 /268

  7. Have you become aware of the principles of academic freedom and your responsibility in an active, student-centered learning environment?

    Very Much: 81 Somewhat: 139 A Little: 39 Not at All: 9 /268

  8. Have you had the opportunity to explore 'diversity' on the UNK Campus? Give an example.

    Very Much: 59 Somewhat: 120 A Little: 71 Not at All: 18 /268

  9. Are you satisfied with your experience in the First Year program?

    Very Much: 120 Somewhat: 90 A Little: 44 Not at All: 12 /266

  10. Are you satisfied with your overall experience at UNK?

    Very Much: 141 Somewhat: 108 A Little: 16 Not at All: 3 /268

Brief Response:

  1. What has been the academic highlight of your first semester at UNK?
  2. What has been the hardest part of your first semester at college?
  3. What advice would you give to an incoming freshman student at UNK?