English Program Information and Admission Requirements

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Degree Options available for Master of Arts in English
Master of Arts in English

The Master of Arts in English program presents a variety of courses in World, British, and United States literatures, creative writing, and pedagogy. The program of study offers seminars, independent readings, special topic courses and workshops. It serves students wishing to pursue an advanced degree in Literary studies, as well as high school teachers and students seeking teacher certification. Students may choose from one of two emphases, the Literature Emphasis or the Creative Writing Emphasis. Students in the Literature Emphasis may choose either a 30-hour thesis option or a 36-hour comprehensive exam option; both options require courses in literature and literary criticism.

Admission Process

Departmental admission to the Graduate program is based on transcripts, GRE scores, a writing sample, three letters of recommendation, and the appropriate application forms (including indication of desired degree option). The Graduate Committee of the Department of English will weigh (and in some circumstances waive) these documents in the best interest of the program and the applicant. A student interested in pursuing a degree program in English should:

  1. Meet the requirements for admission* set by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research,
  2. Submit an official undergraduate transcript to the Office of Graduate Studies and Research showing at least 21 semester hours in upper division (300-400 level) courses in literature, writing, and linguistics,
  3. Submit an official Graduate Record Exam (GRE) score to the Office of Graduate Studies and Research,
  4. Submit a written application to the Office of Graduate Studies and Research,
  5. Submit to the Director of English Graduate Studies a writing sample: for the literature tracks, fifteen pages that demonstrate the applicant's critical skills in analyzing literature; for the creative writing track, ten pages that reflect the applicant's critical skills in analyzing literature and fifteen pages of creative writing in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, or drama (for stage or screen),
  6. Submit to the Director of English Graduate Studies three letters of recommendation,
  7. Submit to the Director of English Graduate Studies a letter of interest outlining motivation for post-graduate study at UNK, previous work in the discipline, particular literary interests, and educational goals.
  8. *In the absence of any of the above, admission may be granted on a conditional basis.
Graduate College Degree Requirements
  1. A student's Program of Study must include at least half or more hours of 800-level courses.
  2. At the graduate level, credit/no credit courses must be a function of the course and not a choice of the student's. Only 6 hours of credit/no credit courses may be applied toward a Master of Arts degree.
  3. A Comprehensive Examination must be completed and results filed with the Office of Graduate Studies and Research at least four weeks before graduation date.
English Department Degree Requirements

At least half of the course work in each emphasis (Literature and Creative Writing) must be completed in non-P courses: 12 in the Thesis Options (excluding Thesis Hours) and 18 in the non-thesis portfolio option.

15 Apr 2014
