College of Natural and Social Sciences
Department of
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- Joseph T. Springer, Ph.D., Chair - 308-865-8548
- Julie Shaffer, Ph.D., Graduate Program Committee Chair and Director of Biology (Thesis) Program - 308-865-8661
- Janet Steele, Ph.D., Director of Biology Distance (Non-thesis) Program - 308-865-8325
- Brian Peterson, M.S., Coordinator Biology Distance (Non-thesis) Program - 308-865-1589
- Robyn Schoenebeck, Coordinator Biology Distance (Non-thesis) Program - 308-865-1589
- Graduate Faculty
- Professors: K. Carlson,
Shaffer, Springer,
Steele, Twigg
- Associate Professors: Albrecht,
Ericson, Geluso,
Schoenebeck, Simon
- Assistant Professors: Bourret,
Drew, Freeman,
Panaitof, Reichart
- Courtesy Faculty: Mary Harner, Keith Koupal, Meghan Sindelar
- Graduate Program Committee
- Shaffer (Chair),
Albrecht, Bourret,
K. Carlson, Ericson,
Freeman, Geluso,
Panaitof, Reichart,
Schoenebeck, Simon,
- Biology - Master of Science Degree (thesis and non-thesis)
Biology is part of
the Master of Science in Education Degree in Science/Math Education.
Courses with the prefix BIOL are offered by the department. The P designation indicates an
undergraduate equivalent.