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Offered by Department of Educational Administration
College of Education

EDAD Courses

EDAD 831 - Social Foundations of Education - 3 hours
This course provides insight into the relationship of education to the social order, a rationale for the underlying philosophy of education, and an understanding of how political theory and social forces provide for school organization and authority.
EDAD 842P - Administration of Special Education - 3 hours
The purpose of this course is to provide the school administrator information concerning legal aspects of special education, identification of special needs students, and options available in programming for handicapped students.
EDAD 843 - Practicum in Educational Administration - 3 hours
Prereq: EDAD 869* or permission of instructor
This course is designed to provide practical learning experience inherent to school principals. Experiences will include discussion of current topics, involvement of presentation of current topics as preparation for conducting staff development, use of resource personnel from education and/or other fields, the completion of 75 hour internship, a visitation to a school district with over 25,000 students, preparation for the administrative job search.
EDAD 846 - The Junior High/Middle School - 3 hours
This course focuses on program design, implementation and evaluation at the middle grade level. It is designed primarily to meet the needs of elementary and/or secondary trained administrators who plan to become administrators at the middle grades level.
EDAD 848 - Curriculum Planning - 3 hours
The current arena in which principals function is constantly being impacted by societal forces and conditions. The class is designed to assist students to understand major curriculum design models, to interpret school district curricula, and to adjust content as needs and conditions change. The course is designed to prepare individuals for positions in educational administration, particularly those who are interested in the school principalship. Students will study the basic principles of curriculum planning as they relate to curriculum design, implementation, and evaluation.
EDAD 851 - Human Resource Management - 3 hours
This course deals with aspects of human resource management, including recruitment, selection, orientation, evaluation, staff development, affirmative action, contract management, and collective negotiations. Course emphasis remains on the function of personnel actions on behalf of quality classroom instruction.
EDAD 853 - School Business Management - 3 hours
A study of the functions of business management for schools including: budgetary procedures, financial accounting, auditing and reporting, management of funds, purchasing procedures and inventory, the administration and protection of property, and the administration of auxiliary services.
EDAD 854 - Introduction to Educational Administration - 3 hours
The course is designed to provide an overview of the function of educational administration in school district organizations. Students will explore the role of the school principal as an instructional leader and a change agent. In addition to the comprehensive coverage of theory and research, there will be a focus on practical applications that are designed to help students implement their acquired knowledge.
EDAD 855 - Supervision of Instruction - 3 hours
This course is designed to assist students in obtaining entry-level understandings and skills relating to the supervision of instruction.
EDAD 859 - Legal Basis of Education - 3 hours
The purpose of this class is to explore the role of the school principal as an educational leader, understand the intricacies of public school administration as it relates to supervision and instruction. An emphasis will be placed on preventative law through the development of an understanding of legal issues facing the school administrator and avoiding possible litigation.
EDAD 869 - The Principalship - 3 hours
Prereq: EDAD 854 or permission of the instructor
This is a foundation course in school administration that places emphasis on the responsibilities of the principal. It is designed to serve the interests and needs of certificated personnel who plan to become principals.
EDAD 870 - The Principal as Instructional Leader - 3 hours
Prereq: EDAD 869* or permission of instructor
This course is designed to explore the role of the principal as instructional leader and change agent. It is based in the educational effectiveness research and will focus on the leadership role of the principals. It is designed to serve the interests and needs of current administrators who wish to expand their qualifications for the Principalship or certified personnel seeking an additional endorsement.
EDAD 896 - Independent Study - 1-6 hours
Individualized study under the supervision of educational administration faculty and approved by the advisor. Topics of study are tailored to meet the needs of the student.
EDAD 898 - Endorsement Internship - 3 hours
This Endorsement Internship is designed for those students who already hold a principal Master's degree and seek the complementary principal endorsement.
EDAD 899 - Thesis - 3-6 hours
A thesis provides an opportunity for candidates in educational administration to conduct research on educational problems which are relevant to particular interests and school settings. This is an elective for Master's Degree candidates.
EDAD 899P - Special Topics in Education - 1-3 hours
A course designed to enable administrators to become knowledgeable of recent trends and issues in school management, finance, or other concerns affecting the administration of the public schools.
EDAD 940 - Administrative Theory - 3 hours
This course introduces students to aspects of current administrative theory by treating the school district as a social system in need of organization, leadership, and change. Styles and effects of human behavior in organizations are explored.
EDAD 944 - Seminar in Educational Administration - 3 hours
This course is graded on a credit-no credit basis, and is a requirement for the Educational Specialist Degree. The student will read and submit written critiques on several contemporary writings related to education and participate in a three-day, summer field trip to Lincoln, which will involve visitations at the Nebraska Department of Education, the Lincoln Public Schools, and the quarters of various professional education organizations.
EDAD 945 - Independent Readings - 3-6 hours
Independent reading on Educational Administration topics. Readings to be selected and directed by the instructor and may be tied to field study literature review.
EDAD 955 - The School Administrator and the Law - 3 hours
This course is designed to provide the educational administrator with a view of the law governing the operation of schools. An emphasis will be placed on preventative law through building an understanding of legal issues facing the school administrator and avoiding possible litigation. Issues deserving attention will include school district organization, meetings of the board of education, personnel administration, conducting hearings, developing board policies, student rights, discrimination, tort liability, and other current issues.
EDAD 956 - School/Community Relations - 3 hours
This course is designed to provide the student with an analysis of principles, practices and materials that facilitate the adjustment and interpretation of schools to their internal and external publics, along with an examination of the function of the media and the roles of schools and community groups in an effective school public relations program.
EDAD 957 - Public School Finance - 3 hours
The primary objectives of this course are to provide the student with (1) the background of school finance, (2) a background of public school financing in the United States, (3) an understanding of the various governmental levels of financing in public schools, (4) judicial decisions and their effects, and (5) finance of schools in the future.
EDAD 958 - Educational Facility Plan - 3 hours
A study of the principles and processes of developing functional educational facilities. Procedures and techniques for each phase of facility planning are included. Topics include: survey of needs, population projection, site selection, development of educational specifications, selection of architects, furniture and equipment selection, and maintenance and operation.
EDAD 966 - Special Topics in Educational Administration - 1-3 hours
A course designed to enable the administrators to become knowledgeable of recent trends and issues in school management, finance, or other concerns affecting the administration of the public schools.
EDAD 991 - Field Study - 3 hours
The field study provides an opportunity for an educational administration candidate to prepare a proposal for a research project or a grant relevant to the candidate's school settings. The minimum credit for the proposal is three hours. If the candidate elects to complete a research project going beyond the proposal stage, an additional 3 credit hours may be applied towards the candidate's plan of study. This course is required of all Specialist Degree candidates. A written product is the outcome of the course. Enrollment by permission of the instructor.
EDAD 998 - Internship - 3-6 hours
Internships are designed to provide administrative experience for students having limited administrative background and to strengthen skills of those who have served as administrators. This course is required for all Specialist Degree candidates.

* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is required prior to this immediate prerequisite.

9 Jun 2008
