For a more detailed calendar with dates and deadlines relating to registration and
graduation, see the Academic
Calendar from the Office of Student Records and Registration.
- May 11, Monday
- Classes begin
- May 25, Monday
- Memorial Day - No Classes
- May 26, Tuesday
- Classes reconvene
- June 15, Monday
- Deadline to apply for summer graduation
- July 3, Friday
- Independence Day Break - No Classes
- July 6, Monday
- Classes reconvene
- July 10, Friday
- Deadline for completion of comprehensive examinations for degree candidates
- July 17, Friday
- Deadline for report of comprehensive exams
Deadline for filing report of committee on thesis examination and for filing thesis, field study, and scholarly study in the Graduate Office
- July 30, Thursday
- Term ends
- July 31, Friday
- Commencement