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Initial registration after the first week of the semester (Fall or Spring) or after the first class day (Summer) is considered late and a $15 late fee will be charged. In order to process a late registration, students must have written permission from the instructor of each course for which they wish to register and they must complete their registration at the Registrar's office, Founders Hall from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Tuition and all fees are due at the time of registration and failure to pay at that time will result in late charges and prepayment for future terms.

Beginning the third week of the semester or the third day of a summer class, students wishing to register must have permission from the course instructor, department chair, and the dean of the college for each class in which they plan to enroll. Students cannot register for full semester classes following the fourth week of the term.

1 Dec 2006
