University of Nebraska at Kearney
College of Education
1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalog
Educational Media Program
Teaching Subject Endorsement in Ed. Media (K-12)
- Required - 30 hours
- PTE 200 Developmental Behavior - 3
- PTE 300 Learning and Evaluation - 3
- EDME 275 Introduction to Media Services - 3
- EDME 301 Selection of Materials - 3
- EDME 320 Reference and Bibliography - 3
- EDME 360 Organization of Media Materials - 3
- EDME 380 Production of Media Materials - 3
- EDME 412 Utilization of Media Materials - 3
- EDME 452 Admin. of Media Services - 3
- ENG 425 Children's Literature or
- ENG 426 Literature for Adolescents - 3