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For additional areas of emphases see Department of Management and Department of Marketing and Management Information Systems.
Department Objectives:
The Department of Accounting/Finance exists to provide University of Nebraska at Kearney students with the accounting, finance, and legal knowledge necessary to compete in a global business environment. Specifically, the Department:
College of Business and Technology Graduation Requirements
All students graduating with a degree from the College of Business and Technology must take at least 50% of their major area credit hour requirements from the College of Business and Technology at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
All students graduating with a degree from the College of Business and Technology must take a minimum of 30 of their last 36 hours of credit needed for their degree from the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
Students seeking a Business Administration Major, Business Administration Comprehensive Major, Business Economics Comprehensive Major, Economics Major, or Agri-Business Major must take a minimum of 63 credit hours that exclude courses with the prefix BACC, BSAD, BFIN, BMKT, BMGT, BSED, BMIS, and ECON. However, BMGT 233, BMGT 334 and up to 9 hours of ECON courses may be included in the 63 hours.
The Department of Accounting/Finance offers two emphases in this major:
Business Administration Comprehensive Option
(Select one Emphasis; two Emphases maximum)
For additional areas of emphases see Department of Management and Department of Marketing and Management Information Systems.
Courses with the prefixes BACC and BFIN are offered by the department.
11 May 2006