Offered by Department of Sociology
College of Natural and Social Sciences
SOC Courses
- SOC 100GS - Introduction to Sociology - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
The development of social systems, group formations and types of social organizations, and
the nature of cultural and subcultural variations.
- SOC 100HGS - Introduction to Sociology - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
This course explores the development of social systems, group formations and types of
social organizations, and the nature of cultural and subcultural variations.
- SOC 124GS - Social Problems - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
An overview of issues confronting American society that have possible adverse social
consequences. Students select a broad cross section of social problems for study and
discussion. A theoretical approach/background is offered as a basis for examination of the
problems chosen.
- SOC 201 - Social Stratification - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or SOC
250GS or equivalent
An examination of the American social class system and its impact on the lives of the
members of society. Theories of the development of social classes are offered as a basis
for class discussions. Alternative social class systems are examined along with the
American system. The course concentrates on power relationships, ownership of assets, and
the impact of class membership on values, beliefs, attitudes, life styles and life
- SOC 225 - Community and Human Diversity - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
This course acquaints the student with a broad range of cultural, racial, and social
groups which are recognized as different by the community. It focuses on the causes of the
differential treatment, the problems created for these groups and the community, and
suggests some solutions that practicing social workers and human service professionals
will find useful in dealing with these groups.
- SOC 237 - Sociological Inquiry - 3 hours
- Prereq: STAT 235* or STAT 241*
Systematic treatment of the design and conduct of social research and of the logical
foundations of empirical research. Includes guided practice in the collection and analysis
of data and an individual experience in the formulation and design of a research project.
(Offered in the Fall semester.)
- SOC 250GS - Anthropology - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Reviews the physical evolution of humans and the origins of culture. The concepts of
culture and cross-cultural comparison are utilized to understand the various ways of life
humans have created throughout history.
- SOC 275 - Social Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Group influences on individual behavior, including role theory, socialization, personality
development, and attitude change.
- SOC 300 - Sociological Theory - 3 hours
- Prereq: Two 300 or 400 level sociology courses
This course develops analytical approaches to the examination and use of sociological
theory in social systems. Basic comprehension of the various paradigms and schools of
thought are examined as well as critiques using classical, contemporary, and emerging
theoretical writings. Evaluation of the application of social theories is also attempted.
(Offered in the Fall semester.)
- SOC 305 - Professional Seminar - 1 hour
- Prereq: SOC 100GS, declared Sociology major
Topics in preparing and planning for a career in sociology are discussed. Students will be
directed toward Internet, publication, and human resources in preparing for their careers.
In order to obtain advice from many sources topics will be covered by different faculty.
- SOC 325 - Sociology of Human Settlements - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 225
This course focuses on the comparative study of institutions and organizations in rural
and urban human settlements. This course extends basic concepts introduced in SOC 225. The course examines the relationships of
organizations operating in human settlements and the outcomes of those actions in terms of
the human needs and the settlement itself. Included in the analysis of settlements is the
early development of societies, the urbanization and industrialization process and the
role of human settlements in that evolutionary process, population dynamics, the use of
social power in the competitive activities of socio-economic development, social and
cultural change processes, and attempts to implement a quality of life in human
- SOC 335 - The Aged in American Society - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or SOC
250GS or equivalent
This course examines the contributions of sociological theory to gerontology, including
such major perspectives as structural functionalism and conflict. Material presented will
create an awareness of the influences of older people. Topics to be covered include:
Socialization for the role of aged persons, social experiences of the elderly, political
and social participation of the elderly, and economic status of the elderly.
- SOC 349 - Sociology of Work and Occupations - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or permission of instructor
An understanding of the present design of the American labor process will be achieved
through a socio-historical analysis of the workplace. By placing work in its social
context, we can better understand the gender and ethnic dynamics within the workplace.
Such programs as employee involvement will be analyzed within a social context.
- SOC 360 - Criminology - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or SOC
250GS or equivalent
The nature of crime; its types, distribution and trends. Theories of causation. Analysis
of law enforcement, law and the courts, treatment modalities, and post-release situation
of ex-offenders.
- SOC 363 - Juvenile Delinquency - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or SOC
250GS or equivalent
Examines types, distribution and trends of delinquent conduct. Theories of causation;
public reaction to delinquency. Detection and referral; the juvenile court; personnel,
processing and disposition; treatment and aftercare.
- SOC 369 - Sociology of Women - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or SOC
250GS or equivalent
A course designed to increase knowledge regarding the initial development of sex-roles,
socialization for behavior that is "appropriate" to gender, and the satisfaction
of personal needs through interaction with societal groups. The intention is to raise
student consciousness of expanding options for future family life, occupational choices
and social relationships.
- SOC 370 - Social Survey - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 237* or
permission of the instructor
A survey research project is undertaken by students to learn the basic components of this
method. In completing the projects, students will acquired the basic skills of research
including: questionnaire construction, coding of data, data analysis and modification
using SPSS, statistical interpretation, and writing a research report. (Offered in Spring
- SOC 420/820P - Race and Minority Relations - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or SOC
250GS or equivalent
Examines the history and status of minority groups in society, the relationship between
minority groups and the dominant group, focuses on the causes of intergroup conflict and
suggests solutions to intergroup problems.
- SOC 430/830P - Family Life and Functions - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or SOC
250GS or equivalent
A sociological analysis of the family as a social unit. Topics focus on historical
changes, cultural patterns, social class influences, group processes, institutional
aspects, contemporary social changes and the future of the family. The evolving role of
women will be examined for its impact on the family.
- SOC 438 - Feminist Research Methods - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 237* or
permission of instructor
Feminist research methods have had two impacts on social science research. Feminists have
made the social researchers aware that historically they have systematically underscored
women as objects of social research which has resulted in sexist research practice and a
knowledge base which downplays the experience of women. Secondly, feminist social
scientists have offered an alternative methodology which provides new solutions to old
methodological problems. This course is designed for you to acquire the skills and
knowledge to identify sex bias in research. You will also have the opportunity to design a
research project which utilizes feminist methods.
- SOC 442/842P - Sociology of Religion - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or SOC
250GS or equivalent
Examines religion as a social phenomenon and attempts to relate it to other aspects of
human social life. Topics considered include the dilemmas of belief and
institutionalization, religious movements, religion and change, secularization, and the
future of religion.
- SOC 461/861P - Deviance and Social Control - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or SOC
250GS or permission of instructor
The philosophical assumptions embedded in the theories of deviance are examined and
applied in the critical reading of deviance texts. A basic question explored is who and
what is defined as deviant by each of the sociological perspectives. Through this
examination we will investigate who controls social behavior and the basis of control
contained within the theories.
- SOC 462/862P - Sociology of Health and Illness - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or SOC
250GS or equivalent
This course provides an introduction to the field of medical sociology with attention to
physical as well as mental illnesses. The emphasis will be upon the influence of social
factors in becoming ill and social factors which influence treatment. Topics to be covered
will include: Social epidemiology, health and illness behavior, the health professions,
health care institutions, and alternative systems of health service.
- SOC 466 - Community Change - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 325*
Seminar serves as a capstone for the Community emphasis option. This course builds on the
concepts of community from previous courses and integrates the theoretical and
methodological skills with the concept of the community. There will be a balance between
theory and action. Students will acquire additional method skills which will serve as
tools in community development.
- SOC 468 - Senior Seminar - 3 hours
- Prereq: 24 hours completed SOC coursework
Seminar serves as a capstone for the general degree option in sociology. The philosophical
underpinnings of the basic issues in sociology will be examined. Students come to see how
the pieces of sociology forms a cogent whole.
- SOC 475 - Internship - 1-6 hours
- Prereq: Twelve hours of sociology or permission of instructor
This course is designed to give the student experience in a work situation within his/her
area of specialization and interest.
- SOC 488 - Research Seminar in Sociology - 3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 237* or
Group investigations of sociological problems.
- SOC 490 - Directed Research - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 237* or
Independent original research under the direction of a Sociology faculty member.
Permission and a contract specifying topic and requirements are necessary before
enrollment for the course.
- SOC 495 - Special Topics - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 100GS or permission of instructor
Special topics of current research by Sociology faculty actively involved in research
- SOC 499 - Directed Readings - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: SOC 300*,
permission of instructor
Independent readings on advanced or contemporary sociological topics, to be selected in
consultation with and directed by a Sociology faculty member. A contract specifying
readings and requirements for the course is necessary before enrollment for the course.
* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is
required prior to this immediate prerequisite.
16 May 2005