1997-98 ASSESSMENT Enrollments: The following internships were completed in
Summer, 1997: Students enrollments: 14
undergraduate; 1 graduate
Fall, 1997: Student enrollments: 9 undergraduate; 0 graduate
Spring, 1998: Student enrollments: 15 undergraduate: 1 graduate
Typical Internships:
1. University Relations - Special
2. Student Affairs - Academic advising
3. Public Schools - Instructing courses in Power Point
4. University Library - User service
5. Department Store - Retail sales, merchandising
6. Insurance - Customer service, claim estimates, claims investigations
7. Marketing Firm - Sales manager, supervisor of employees
8. Retailing - Presented training on merchandising and salesmanship
9. Manufacturing - Human resources, communication training
10. Retailing - Customer service, employee training
11. Foundation - Fundraising
12. Business Journal - Promotion, direct sales, ad design and layout
13. Alumni Association - Alumni relations
Employer Evaluations - A Few
"Impressed with his 'focus' on
corporate goals, interaction with fellow employees, willingness to exceed expectations to
'satisfy' customers' needs. He also volunteered to do extra duty during our 'show
time' and often pitched in to help his teammates accomplish their tasks."
"I enjoyed having XXX work for me.
She is a conscientious worker who works well with others. She was always on time and also
volunteered to work shifts for other people. She did a nice job for the foundation
"XXX has been an excellent intern.
She is exceptionally competent and very creative. She is wonderful to have around the
office. We value her work and contributions."
" I am writing to inform you of what
a superb job XXX did during her internship here at XXX. She in almost all respects
developed and organized the Communicator's Network for Nebraska XXX XXX XXX. XXX was
highly organized and very good at dealing with challenges that faced her. She made such a
difference that the other XXX in Nebraska want her to show them what she did and how she
did it."
There were no negative written
evaluations. Although students received average evaluations in some areas, there were no
"negative" evaluations of students on the forms provided.
Student Strengths
All students were rated by their
supervisors on an evaluation form. Students received the highest marks in: ability to meet
people, working harmoniously with others, dependability and volume of work.
Student Weaknesses
Some students received
"average" marks in the ability "to take criticism." This may be an
area for some attention. |