at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

department assessment
    > Psychology Department
    > Junior/Senior Level Laboratory Courses

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Discontinued 1998-99
Replaced with Undergraduate Student Scholarship: Publications

A portion of the requirements for laboratory courses includes the completion of empirical research projects by teams of students. Every student is required to write an APA-style write-up of the project. Every project must be reviewed by the Psychology Department Human Subjects Committee and by the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects. Students are expected to follow proper "practice of appropriate professional and scientific ethics and values."

Data from 38 students are currently available. For APA format the initial mean score was 2.7, compared to 3.6 for the upper level paper. For Writing Style the initial mean was 3.0 and the upper level mean was 3.6. For Content the initial mean was 2.9 and the upper level mean was 3.9. All three comparisons reflected notable development and each was statistically significant.
At this time there is insufficient data on which to base an evaluation of our effectiveness in teaching writing skills.
One measure of the extent to which students learn the methods of the discipline has to do with conducting original research. The number of empirical research projects conducted by students continues to increase each year, as has the quality as reflected in the number of papers accepted for presentation at state and regional conferences as well as publication.

A formal assessment of progress in student writing is conducted during the semester in the Experimental Psychology class. Over the past few years, student writing skills have shown a 10 - 15% improvement over the course of the semester. Data to enable us to conduct a long-term follow up for those students (i.e., writing in an advanced class or lab) continues to be collected.

The number of empirical research projects conducted by students continues to increase as has the quality as reflected in the number of papers accepted for presentation at state and regional conferences as well as publication. This past year, eleven undergraduates presented papers at the Great Plains Psychology Student Conference. Seven students presented papers at the Nebraska Psychological Society convention and two students presented papers at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological and Educational Research in Kansas. On student presented a paper at NCUR. Since 1993, four students have received grant funding from the RSC for independent research projects building on their lab course work.

A formal assessment of progress in student writing is conducted during the semester in the Experimental Psychology class. Essentially, student writing skills show a 10% improvement over the course of the semester. This suggests that our sophomore intervention is effective, but that we need to assess whether the improvement continues over time and generalizes to other psychology writing assignments. Long-term follow up for those students (i.e., writing in an advanced class or lab) is presently being conducted.

The number of empirical research projects conducted by students has increased as has the quality as reflected in the number of papers accepted for presentation at state and regional conferences as well as publication. Also, in 1993, one student received grant funding to follow-up on a lab project and in 1994, two students received such grants.

A formal assessment of progress in student writing is conducted during the semester in the Experimental Psychology class. Essentially, student writing skills show a 10% improvement over the course of the semester. This suggests that our sophomore intervention is effective, but that we need to assess whether the improvement continues over time and generalizes to other psychology writing assignments. Long-term follow up for those students (i.e., writing in an advanced class or lab) is presently being conducted.

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17 May 2005