Instituted 1998-99
Students who have completed outstanding empirical or theoretical projects are encouraged
to publish their results in refereed journals dedicated to undergraduate research such as
the Journal of Psychological Inquiry and the Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research. Students apprenticing with faculty in research
often make significant contributions to the empirical/theoretical process. In these cases,
students may be invited to co-submit the results to refereed journals. |
1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
The number of student publications indicates that our program effectively guides students
from start to finish in the research process. No changes in the program are warranted.
Dow, M. J. (2001) International
adoptions: The case of Romania. Journal of Psychological Inquiry, 6, 23-29. (Faculty
Sponsor: Rycek)
Clayton N. V. (2001). A comparison of learning strategies in Spanish vocabulary
acquisition. (2001). Undergraduate Research Journal, 5, 207-219. (Faculty Sponsor:
Nelson, K. D., Clayton, N. V., and Byrd, K. R. (in press). The relation between
obsessive-compulsive traits, frontal lobe functioning, and visual recall. Psi Chi Journal
of Undergraduate Research. (Faculty Sponsor: Byrd)
Undergraduate Student Scholarship: Collaborative Publications
with Undergraduate Students
Byrd, K. R. and Boe, A. (2001). The correspondence between attachment dimensions and
prayer in college students. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 11,
The number of student publications indicates that our program effectively guides students
from start to finish in the research process. No changes in the program are warranted.
Expectancies and experience on impression
formation. Angie Cooper, Michala Bott & Jeremy Wallace. Published in the Journal of
Psychological Inquiry, 4, 21-25, 1999.
Applying techniques of persuasion: 12
Angry Men. SHANNON MARLATT. Published in the Journal of Psychological Inquiry, 4, 40-42,
Sex differences in the cognitive
processing of schematic vs. landmark-based directions. EMILY BALCETIS & KATHERINE
LINDER. Published in the Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 4, 76-80, 1999.
Effects of orientation and training on
cognitive maps. JOHN HELLEBERG (Bill Wozniak, faculty sponsor). Published in the Psi Chi
Journal of Undergraduate Research, 4, 139-148, 1999.
Electroconvulsive therapy:
Administration, side-effects, and effectiveness. TOM MAXSON Kevin Byrd, faculty sponsor).
Paper published in the Journal of Psychological Inquiry, 3, 1998, 34-38.
Ways to prepare for undergraduate paper
presentations. JOHN R. HELLEBERG (Rick Miller, faculty sponsor). Published in the Journal
of Psychological Inquiry, 3, 1998, 50-51.
Effects of levels of processing on
explicit and implicit memory. CATHERINE SWANSON (Bill Wozniak, faculty sponsor). Paper
published in the Undergraduate Research Journal, 2, 1998, 184-194.
Collaborative Research with
Undergraduate Students: Publications
Byrd, K. R., Lear, D., and Schwenka, S. (in press). Mysticism as a predictor of
subjective well-being. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion.
Rycek, R. F., Stuhr, S. L., McDermott,
J., Benker, J., & Swartz, M. D. (1999). Adolescent egocentrism and cognitive
functioning during late adolescence. Adolescence, 33, 745-749.
Forrest, K., Helleberg, J. & Miller,
R. L. (1998) Student perceptions of the ethical responsibilities of faculty. Journal of
Psychological Inquiry, 3, 42-45.
Briner, W. & Peterson, S. (1998).
Comparison of the behavior of the curly tail (ct/ct) and CBA mouse on a neurologic scale.
Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 20, 503-510.
Swanson, J. L. and Byrd, K. R. (1998).
Death anxiety in young adults as a function of religious orientation, guilt, and
separation-individuation conflict. Death Studies, 22, 257-268.
Instituted 1998-99
Students with worthy research ideas in need of funding are routinely encouraged to apply
to the Research Services Council. Each Fall, students in financial need are encouraged to
apply for tuition wavers by submitting a research proposal for Independent Research PSY
499, and the two most meritorious proposals are awarded three-credit tuition wavers for
PSY 499. |
2000-2001 ASSESSMENT |
1999-2000 ASSESSMENT |
The number of student grants indicates that our students can successfully compete for
research funding. No programmatic changes are indicated.
In the jury room: The effects of fair and
unfair procedures on jury sentencing, deliberations and satisfaction. RUSS PELLA &
AARON HOLLMANN (Krista Forrest, faculty sponsor) Funded by RSC-UNK March, 1998-May, 1999.
($349. 50)
How group members are affected by past
group experiences. MICHALA BOTT (Krista Forrest, Faculty sponsor). Grant funded by
RSC-UNK, Jan, 1998-May, 1998. ($331. 00).
The effects of prior non-intervention on
subsequent helping behavior. KARLA WIEDEL (Rick Miller, Faculty sponsor) Undergraduate
research grant funded by RSC-UNK, May, 1998 - Sept, 1998. ($350).
The effects of reminding and reminder
source on social compensation and social loafing in task groups. EMILIY BALCETIS (Krista
Forrest, faculty sponsor) Grant funded by RSC-UNK, 1998-99.
Religious orientation and prayer as a
function of separation from attachment figures, attachment style, and stress. ANDREA
SULLIVAN (Kevin Byrd, faculty sponsor). Tuition Award, 1998.
Retention: Academic Need Intervention and
Academic Performance. ANGELA COOPER (Joseph J. Benz & Gail Zeller, faculty sponsors).
Grant funded by RSC-UNK, Jan 15, 1998 - May, 1998. ($154.50)
Moderating effects of prayer on quality
of life. STACY SCHWENKA. (Kevin Byrd, faculty sponsor). UNK tuition award, 1998.
Instituted 1998-99
Students who have completed original, empirical research projects have the opportunity to
submit them for possible presentation at the Nebraska Psychological Association meetings,
Great Plains Psychology Students' Conference and the Midwestern Psychological Association
convention. Our students participate in paper competitions sponsored by both NPA and Great
Plains.Students apprenticing with
faculty in research often make significant contributions to the empirical/theoretical
process. In these cases, students may be invited to co-submit papers to peer-review for
presentation at academic or professional
conferences. |
2000-2001 ASSESSMENT
The number of student papers accepted for and presented at conferences indicates that
our program has been extremely successful in acclimating students to the methods of social
science. No programmatic changes are warranted.
Attributions of deception in dating
situations. MARY ANDERSON. Paper presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate
Research, Lexington, KY, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Benz)
Avoidance of Intimacy, Depression, and Gender as Predictors of Internet Preoccupation.
NATHAN TURNER. Paper accepted for the National Conference on Undergraduate Research,
Lexington, KY, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Byrd)
Differences in Religious Attitudes and Experience Between Russians and Americans. NATHAN
TURNER. Paper accepted for the Psi Chi Program of the Midwestern Psychological Association
Convention, Chicago, IL, March 2000. Psi Chi Regional Research Award. (Faculty Sponsor:
Construction and Validation of a Religious Development Scale. VON ALAVI AND TRICIA
EASTERDAY. Paper accepted for the Psi Chi Program of the Midwestern Psychological
Association Convention, Chicago, IL, March 2000. Psi Chi Regional Research Award. (Faculty
Sponsor: Byrd)
The Effects of Relative Frontal Lobe Dysfunction on Obsessive-Compulsive Traits and Visual
Recall. KELLI NELSON AND NOAH CLAYTON. Paper presented at the joint convention of the
Nebraska Psychological Society/Psychological and Educational Research of Kansas, Kearney,
NE, November 2000. (Faculty Sponsor: Byrd)
The Relationship Between High School Drinking and College Drinking as Moderated by
presented at the joint convention of the Nebraska Psychological Society/Psychological and
Educational Research of Kansas, Kearney, NE, November 2000. (Faculty Sponsor: Byrd)
The Relationship Between Attachment Style and Passive-Aggressive Traits in Females.
HEATHER JUEL, JEWEL ALMQUIST, AND TASHA PLATT. Paper presented at the joint convention of
the Nebraska Psychological Society/Psychological and Educational Research of Kansas,
Kearney, NE, November 2000. (Faculty Sponsor: Byrd)
Are there Relationships between Romantic Attitudes and Attachment Style? ELSA DINE. Poster
presented at the joint convention of the Nebraska Psychological Society/Psychological and
Educational Research of Kansas, Kearney, NE, November 2000. (Faculty Sponsor: Byrd)
Moderators of the Relationship Between Childhood and Adult Attachment. JANICE HASKELL AND
BETH WELLMAN. Poster presented at the joint convention of the Nebraska Psychological
Society/Psychological and Educational Research of Kansas, Kearney, NE, November 2000.
(Faculty Sponsor: Byrd)
Development of a Scale to Assess Unconscious Death Anxiety. CHARISSE HOOPS, ROBYN HENKE,
AND RENAE TAUBENHEIM. Poster presented at the joint convention of the Nebraska
Psychological Society/Psychological and Educational Research of Kansas, Kearney, NE,
November 2000. (Faculty Sponsor: Byrd)
The effects of religion on risk-taking behaviors in emerging adolescence. MOLLY BURNS.
Paper presented at the annual meetings of the National Conference on undergraduate
Research, Lexington, Kentucky, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Forrest)
Personality variables involved in false confessions: Its not just the situation. VON
ALAVI AND JEFF LANGE. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the National Conference
on undergraduate Research, Lexington, Kentucky, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Forrest)
An eclectic approach to racism: The automatic activation of racial attitudes and the
inconsistencies that follow. NATHAN TURNER. Poster presented at the Annual Great Plains
Psychology Conference, Missouri, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Forrest)
The Pinks and the Blues: Gender Bias in Perception of Infants Based on Sleeper Color.
ANGELA MUELLER & TENNILLE SMITH. Paper presented at the Great Plains Students
Psychology Conference, Joplin, MO, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Rycek)
Autism. BRIDGET ABBOUD Paper presented at the Great Plains Students Psychology
Conference, Joplin, MO, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Rycek)
Characteristics of Close Friendships in Childhood and Adolescence. LONDON WOOLMAN &
SHARON MEYER. Paper presented at the Great Plains Students Psychology Conference,
Joplin, MO, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Rycek)
Imagery vs. Physical Practice in Regard to Gross and Fine Motor Movements. ALLEN E.
CORRELL. Paper presented at the Great Plains Students Psychology Conference, Joplin,
MO, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Wozniak)
Athletic Rituals and Belief in the Paranormal. NOAH V. CLAYTON, STEPHANIE L. DETURK, &
NATHAN A. TURNER. Paper presented at the Great Plains Students Psychology
Conference, Joplin, MO, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Wozniak)
Attribution of Belief in the Paranormal JODY L. ESTERAICH, HEATHER M. JUEL, AMY L. PARKER,
& MICHELLE SMITH. Paper presented at the Great Plains Students Psychology
Conference, Joplin, MO, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Wozniak)
A Comparison of Learning Strategies in Spanish Vocabulary Acquisition. NOAH V. CLAYTON.
Paper presented at the Joint Convention of the Nebraska Psychological Society and the
Association for Psychological and Educational Research in Kansas, Kearney, NE, 2000.
(Faculty Sponsor: Wozniak)
The Role Of Feedback In Speech Performance. TIFFANY PALLAS, ANDREA MADSEN, & SHEILA
HOLLANDER. Paper presented at the Great Plains Students Psychology Conference,
Joplin, MO, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Wozniak)
The Effects of Mortality Salience on Personal Beliefs and Health Attitudes. ARIEL HUBER,
& EMILY THOMPSON. Paper presented at the Great Plains Students Psychology
Conference, Joplin, MO, March 2001. (Faculty Sponsor: Wozniak)
Undergraduate Student Scholarship: Collaborative Conference Presentations
Balcetis E. E. & Forrest K. Effects of group formation and performance, perceptions of
fairness and satisfaction. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Rocky Mountain
Psychological Association, Reno, Nevada, April 2001.
Note: Student research supervised by Dr. Miller during AY00-01 was not available because
Dr. Miler was on Sabbatical in Turkey while this report was being compiled.
1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
The number of student papers accepted for and presented at conferences indicates that our
program has been extremely successful in acclimating students to the methods of social
science. No programmatic changes are warranted.
Memory for Objects: The Presence of False
Memories on Associated Picture or Word Lists. GRANT BENKER, PAMELA RUDLOFF & AMY BECK
(Bill Wozniak, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the Nebraska Psychological Society
Conference, Wayne, NE.
The Effects of urban, natural, and Built
Environments on Stress Recovery. MICHAEL J. HECKENLIVELY, JENNIFER A. KLINE & AMY
MARGRITZ (Rick Miller, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the Nebraska Psychological
Society Conference, Wayne, NE.
Agonistic Behavior in Two Subpopulations
of Sandhill Cranes in the Platte River Valleys in Nebraska. DARA WISNIESKI & ALLEN
CORRELL (Joseph Benz, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the Nebraska Psychological
Society Conference, Wayne, NE.
The Effects of Crowding and
Attractiveness on Desirability. CHARISSE HOOPS, STEPHANIE CUDE & MARK LILJEHORN (Rick
Miller, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the Nebraska Psychological Society
Conference, Wayne, NE.
The Effects of Mortality Salience and the
Need to Affiliate on Personal Space. RYAN MULLIGAN, CASSI BURMOOD, SHANNON 0'HARA &
CHRISTIE WARREN (Rick Miller, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the Nebraska
Psychological Society Conference, Wayne, NE.
Creativity and Risk-Taking Behavior.
sponsor). Paper presented at the Nebraska Psychological Society Conference, Wayne, NE.
The Effects of Noise on Helping Behavior.
sponsor). Paper presented at the Nebraska Psychological Society Conference, Wayne, NE.
A Multidimensional Approach Toward
Self-Esteem as a Predictor of Alcohol Use. JODY ESTERAICH (Kevin Byrd, faculty sponsor).
Paper presented at the Nebraska Psychological Association Conference, Lincoln, NE.
The Effects of Adult ADHA on Alcohol Use
in Securely and Insecurely Attached Adults. LISA McBRIDE & HAYLEY KNOX (Kevin Byrd,
faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the Nebraska Psychological Association Conference,
Lincoln, NE.
The Relationship between Sensation
Seeking and Moral Reasoning. VICTORIA L. SCHULZ (Robert F. Rycek, Faculty sponsor). Paper
presented at the 19th. Annual Great Plains Psychology Students' Conference, Wichita, KS.
The Effects of Negative Attributions on
Beliefs and Feelings. DARA WISNIESKI (Rick Miller, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at
the 19th. Annual Great Plains Psychology Students' Conference, Wichita, KS. Awarded 2nd
Place in the category of Social Psychology.
The Effects of Mortality Salience on
Risk-Taking Behavior. RYAN MULLIGAN & KAYLA WIDICK (Rick Miller, faculty sponsor).
Paper presented at the 19th. Annual Great Plains Psychology Students' Conference, Wichita,
KS. Awarded 2nd Place in the category of Social /Personality Psychology.
Effects of Parental Involvement on
Student's Self-Esteem. HAYLEY KNOX & TRICIA CARLSON (Robert F. Rycek, Faculty
sponsor). Paper presented at the 19th. Annual Great Plains Psychology Students'
Conference, Wichita, KS.Awarded 2nd Place in the category of Personality and Developmental
How Failure to Help Effects Subsequent
Helping Behavior. KARLA WIEDEL (Rick Miller, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the
19th. Annual Great Plains Psychology Students' Conference, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place
in the category of Social and Animal Behavior.
Correlations between Moral Development
F. Rycek, Faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the 19th. Annual Great Plains Psychology
Students' Conference, Wichita, KS. Awarded 2nd Place in the category of Developmental
Gender Differences in Self-Perceived
Attractiveness and Esteem. CATHY WINTERS &
HEATHER DUHACEK (Rick Miller, faculty
sponsor). Paper presented at the 19th. Annual Great Plains Psychology Students'
Conference, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st. place in the Women/Gender/Sex Roles Category
Collaborative Research with
Undergraduate Students: Conference Presentations
Emily Balcetis, Karla Wiedel & Krista Forrest. (1999, April) The effects of reminding
and reminder source on social loafing and social compensation. Presented at the Rocky
Mountain Psychological Association conference, Fort Collins, CO.
Miller, R. L., Mulligan, R. & Widick,
K. (1999, April) Terror Management: The effects of mortality salience on risk-taking.
Presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association conference, Fort Collins, CO.
Forrest, K. D., Kershaw, D., & Bott,
M. (1998, April) Group work, group problems, group solutions, Presented at the joint
meetings of RMPA/WPA, Alberqurque, NM.
Strictness in parenting style affecting behavior toward authority. THOMAS MAXSON (Bob
Rycek, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the 106th annual convention of the American
Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Locus of control as a predictor of success in collectivist cultures.
sponsor). Paper presented at the joint conference of the Association for Educational and
Psychological Research in Kansas and the Nebraska Psychological Society, Emporia, KS.
Face Naming and Mnemonic Training.
MICHELLE PEAK & STEPHANIE VAN WINKLE (William Wozniak, faculty sponsor). Paper
presented at the annual meeting of Association for Psychological and Educational Research
in Kansas, Emporia, KS.
Self-Referencing Effects in Advertising.
STEPHANIE DECAMP (William Wozniak, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the annual meeting
of Association for Psychological and Educational Research in Kansas, Emporia, KS.
Stress and Coping Style as Predictors of
Undergraduate GPA. CHARISSE HOOPS & DENISE ANDERSON (Kevin Byrd, faculty Sponsor).
Paper presented at the Joint Convention of the Association for Psychological and
Educational Research in Kansas and the Nebraska Psychological Society, in Emporia, KS.
Effects of individualism and collectivism
on achievement motivation imagery in individual and group settings. RYAN MULLIGAN &
TONYA LUNA. (Rick Miller, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the joint conference of the
Association for Educational and Psychological Research in Kansas and the Nebraska
Psychological Society, Emporia, KS.
Development of the Compatibility with
Academic Major Scale. AMY HAVRANEK (Kevin Byrd, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the
Joint Convention of the Association for Psychological and Educational Research in Kansas
and the Nebraska Psychological Society, in Emporia, KS.
Self-monitoring as a function of
individualism/collectivism and group membership. DAVID
DEBRA WEMHOFF. (Rick Miller, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the joint conference of
the Association for Educational and Psychological Research in Kansas and the Nebraska
Psychological Society, Emporia, KS, 1998.
Retention: Academic Need Intervention and
Academic Performance. ANGELA COOPER (Joseph Benz, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the
18th Annual Great Plains Students' Psychology Convention, Lincoln, NE. Awarded 1st Place
in the category of Teaching of Psychology.
The Effects of a "Good
Personality" Label on Ratings of Attractiveness. CAROLYN ALBRACHT & JENNIFER
VANROY (Rick Miller, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the 18th Annual Great Plains
Students' Psychology Convention, Lincoln, NE.
The Effects of Music Video Watching on
Aggression. TIFFANY CORDER (Bob Rycek, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the 18th
Annual Great Plains Students' Psychology Convention, Lincoln, NE.
The Relationship between Music Video
Watching and Self concept. JENNIE PRITCHETT (Bob Rycek, faculty sponsor). Paper presented
at the 18th Annual Great Plains Students' Psychology Convention, Lincoln, NE.
The Effects of Music Video Watching on
Sensation Seeking. JEFF W. PENLEY (Bob Rycek, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the
18th Annual Great Plains Students' Psychology Convention, Lincoln, NE.
Music Video Choices as a Predictor of
Alienation. LAURIE SANDERS (Bob Rycek, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the 18th
Annual Great Plains Students' Psychology Convention, Lincoln, NE.
An Empirical Assessment of the Attachment
Theory of Religion. ANNDREA SULLIVAN (Kevin Byrd, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the
18th Annual Great Plains Psychology Convention, Lincoln, NE.
Moderating Effects of Prayer on Quality
of Life. DELBERT LEAR & STACY SCHWENKA (Kevin Byrd, faculty sponsor). Paper presented
at the 18th Annual Great Plains Students' Psychology Convention, Lincoln, NE. Awarded 2nd
Place in the category of Psychology of Religion.
Gender Differences in the Cognitive
Processing of Schematic Versus Landmark-Based Directions. EMILY BALCETIS & KATHERINE
LINDER (Rick Miller, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the 18th Annual Great Plains
Students' Psychology Convention, Lincoln, NE. Awarded 1st Place in Gender Issues.
Effects of Orientation on Cognitive Maps.
JOHN R. HELLEBERG (Bill Wozniak, faculty sponsor). Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the National Council on Undergraduate Research, Salisbury, MD.
The effects of voice on group members
evaluations of their leaders. MICHALA BOTT and KARLA WEIDEL (Krista Forrest, faculty
sponsor). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Undergraduate
Research, Salisbury, MD.
The Influence of Expectancies and
Experience on Impression Formation. ANGIE COOPER (Rick Miller, faculty sponsor). Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Undergraduate Research,
Salisbury, MD.
Behavioral Toxicity of Post-Natal
Inorganic Copper Administration in the Mouse. JANEEN KOWALEK (Wayne Briner, faculty
sponsor). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Undergraduate
Research, Salisbury, MD.
An Arnold-Chiari-Like Malformation
Associated with the Curly Tail (ct/ct) Mouse. ALISON MOELLENBERNDT (Wayne Briner, faculty
sponsor). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Undergraduate
Research, Salisbury, MD.
Comparison of the Behavior of the Curly
Tail (ct/ct) and CBA Mouse. SADIE PETERSON (Wayne Briner, faculty sponsor). Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Undergraduate Research,
Salisbury, MD. |
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