at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

department assessment
    > Modern Languages Department
    > Survey

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Graduating seniors with a major, minor, or teaching subject endorsement in French, German, or Spanish respond to a written survey to provide information on their educational experience in the Department.

Alumni respond to a written questionnaire to evaluate their education in foreign languages in the Department and the contribution of this study to their personal and professional development.

Beginning in 1998-1999, recent recipients of graduate degrees will receive written surveys to evaluate their education in the Department of Modern Languages.

2000-2001 ASSESSMENT
Graduating seniors with a major, minor, or teaching subject endorsement in French, German, or Spanish received a survey by mail. The low number of returned surveys has delayed assessment.

In response to suggestions in previous years by alumni and graduating seniors regarding the need for more conversation, the department brought in native speakers of French, German, and Spanish to participate with students at conversation tables and in selected classes.

Students report that Study Abroad and conversation tables make a big difference. Two instructors say that providing conversation with native speakers in classes is a positive change.

A survey to graduate students who completed degrees in the past five years was postponed until September 2001.

1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
In August 1999 the department sent surveys to alumni (majors and minors) who had graduated from UNK in the past three years (1996-Spring 1999). Of the 80 surveys sent, 16 were returned (20%). Alumni responded to five questions regarding their educational experience in the department and the skills they had gained.  They made several suggestions regarding course content and advising.

Partly in response to their suggestions and those of graduating students in exit interviews, the department increased opportunities for conversation in the languages, both in classes and at the conversation tables. The department expanded the plan for advising. (See assessment Exit Interviews)

A survey will be sent in August 2000 to graduate students who completed degrees in the past five years.

The department chair wrote a survey and a cover letter to be sent in Summer 1999 to alumni who had graduated in the past three years.
Graduating seniors with a major, minor, or teaching subject endorsement in French, German, or Spanish responded to a written survey on their educational experience and their suggestions for changes in courses. The surveys indicated many areas of satisfaction with the programs and several areas where change is needed. Faculty will identify ways to update or modify course content. One area where the department has already made improvement is in reducing the number of students in classes of advanced conversation and composition (Spanish) and advanced grammar (Spanish) so that students can increase language skills effectively.

In August 1998 alumni will receive written surveys to evaluate their education in the Department of Modern Languages and the contribution of this study to their personal and professional development.

The surveys are being created during the summer term and will be administered during the 1997-98 academic year.

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17 May 2005