Chapter 4: Criterion Two
The institution has effectively organized the human,
financial, and
physical resources necessary to accomplish its purposes.
Human Resources
Administrators, Managerial/Professional, and Office/Service Staff
UNK's human resource system recognizes three categories of non-faculty and non-student employees: administrators, managerial/professional, or office/service staff. The following paragraphs briefly review each of these categories.
Administrators. This category includes vice chancellors, deans, and most unit directors. The number of full-time administrators increased from 33 in FY 1993 to 38 in FY 1998 and to 47 in FY 2003. Some of this increase is due to a recent reclassification of employees.
- Gender. There has been a major shift in the gender distribution of administrators in the past decade. In FY 1993, 64.7 % of administrators were male and 35.3 % were female. In FY 2003, however, the distribution was nearly equal, with 24 males (51%) and 23 females (49%).
- Age. In FY 2003, 31.4 % of UNK's administrators were over the age of 55. This is a shift upward since FY 1993, when 20.6 % were over aged 55.
- Ethnicity. Currently, 96.1 % of administrators were white, compared to 97.1 % in FY 1993.
Managerial/Professional. The Managerial/Professional subcategory includes persons serving in nonacademic professional positions including technical specialists, directors not included in the academic-administrative staff, and departmental managers. The number of employees in this category has grown from 74 in FY 1993 to 136 in FY 2003.
- Gender. In FY 1993, 40.5% of managerial professional employees were male and 59.5% were female. By FY 2003, the gap had narrowed to 45.6% male and 54.4% female.
- Age. In FY 2003, 14.7% of managerial employees were over 55 and 25.7% were 30 or younger. In FY 1993, 6.8% were over 55 and 28.4% were 30 or younger.
- Ethnicity. The percentage of managerial and professional employees who were white went from 100% in FY 1993 to 94.9% in FY 2003. In FY 2003, UNK had three African American employees, three Hispanic employees, and one Native American employee in this classification.
Office/Service Staff. This category includes all persons who perform work that by custom in business, industry, and other institutions of higher education is managed on an hourly basis with such work compensated according to hours worked. The number of UNK employees in this category went from 237 in FY 1993 to 245 in FY 2003.
- Gender. The office/service staff is predominately female. In FY 2003, 67.3% of employees in this category were female and 32.7% were male. This is a slight change from FY 1993.
- Age. The age distribution of office/service staff has not changed a great deal in the past ten years.
- Ethnicity. In FY 2003, 95.5% of office/service staff were white, compared to 96.6% in FY 1993.
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