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UNK Welcomes NCA

NCA Steering Committee Meeting
July 8, 2003
Warner Conference Room

Those present: Ken Nikels, Kathy Livingston, Bill Wozniak, Marilyn Hadley, Lois Flagstad, Mike Bohnhoff, Randy Haack, Glen Powell, and Jan Mitchell

Not present: David Palmer, Ron Crocker, Liz Peck, Phyllis Harris, and John Oseth (For those not present, all handouts referenced in the minutes were put in the mail on July 24th)

Dr. Nikels called the meeting to order and introduced Jeanne Cutler. Jeanne has been working on the Resource Room Committee with Kathy Livingston and Ken Nikels. The pre-visit resource room is room 213A&B in the library. When the team is here, the Jennings room will be the resource room and the Secretaries conference room has been offered as a break room for the team. There is only one internet connection in the room and only one printer. It was suggested that we check into making more connections available for computers and another printer. Wireless connection was suggested. Our concern is that the team has reliable computers and a technician available to help with problems.

Jeanne asked that as you work on chapters; make sure that she has your references so she can place them in the resource room. Each working group needs to provide a list of their resources to Jeanne. Jeanne is also updating the information on the website, if you have electronic versions please get them to Jeanne and she will link the items on the website. Jeanne emphasized again that she needs resources in a timely matter so she can get everything in place in the resource room.

Glen Powell reported on Criterion 3 and the template he developed for the Deans to provide bulleted information, both at the department and dean level, on academic program reviews and program improvements. Glen distributed each colleges report.

Marilyn Hadley's hand out is on Criterion 4 progress. John Oseth wrote the evidence on Strategic Planning "C" - Decision-making processes with tested capability of responding effectively to anticipated and unanticipated challenges to the institution. Marilyn wrote on "Current Resource Base". She summarized the main findings from your chapters. Please verify that she has pulled the correct "highlighted" items from your chapters. Marilyn said that there will be five bulleted items discussed in each chapter. Mike Bohnhoff asked what level of detail needs to be in this part? Do we repetitively write on the same thing in different spots? Marilyn responded that repetition is not bad, it helps the reader learn about our institution, but what level of detail do we repeat?

Bill Wozniak reported on Assessment. He and others from UNK attended a conference in June. Marilee Bresciani is coming to UNK on September 22nd. Marilee is the Assessment Director at North Carolina State.

Ken mentioned that Criterion 3 continues to update. Bill said they are meeting in August to write. Ken also mentioned that he is working on Criterion One.

Randy Hack distributed two handouts from his group. 1) Draft Outline of Chapter 4, 2) Chapter 4 - Draft 5

Kathy Livingston stated that we need to get dates set for the fall. Ken suggested 3 or 4 people get together and set dates.

It was decided that each group share their most recent "drafts" with everyone by the end of July and the next meeting will be August 14th at 1:30 in the Warner Conference Room.