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UNK Welcomes NCA

North Central Self Study
Chapter 3: Criterion One

The institution has clear and publicly stated purposes consistent with its
mission and appropriate to an institution of higher education.

Decision-making processes appropriate to its stated mission and purposes

Roles and responsibilities of key administrators and advisory bodies are outlined in relevant governance documents, including the University Bylaws, College Constitutions, and, for matters subject to collective bargaining, by provisions of the contract between the Board of Regents and the University of Nebraska at Kearney Education Association. Within the Administrative apparatus the Chancellor is advised by a cabinet, consisting of Vice-Chancellors and equivalent staff, and the Administrative Council, composed of cabinet personnel plus deans and major unit directors. The cabinet group meets weekly. The Administrative Council meets at least monthly. The Chancellor and Vice Chancellors are, moreover, broadly accessible to all members of the campus community and the public.

UNK governance is accomplished through consultation and elaboration. It allows internal constituencies both to advise decision makers and to discharge assigned responsibilities. Faculty and student senates are authorized and regulated by University of Nebraska Bylaws (paragraphs 2.12 and 2.13). The Staff Senate, composed of elected members of the nonacademic staff, was established by the Chancellor in July, 1995. Each senate has taken up active roles on matters affecting its constituency. Examples include organizing discussion forums on budget reduction proposals and preparing associated advice for campus leaders, and recommending policy or program initiatives (e.g., staff mentoring systems).

Overall, UNK through the dynamics of shared and collaborative governance seeks to decide matters in light of core strategic values and full appraisal of the informed perspectives of affected units and served constituencies. For example:

Next: Chapter 3> Sections> Understanding of the stated purposes by institutional constituencies
Previous: Chapter 3> Sections> Processes, involving constituencies, through which the institution evaluates its purposes