Offered by Department of Modern Languages
College of Fine Arts and Humanities

FORL Courses

FORL 800 - Curriculum Development & Research - 3 hours
A study in the areas of curriculum design, methodology and testing, plus research methods in all of these fields.
FORL 810 - Second Language Acquisition - 3 hours
Discussion of the principal theories of language acquisition, the factors which affect the learning of a second language, and the theories of second language pedagogy.
FORL 820 - Methods of Foreign Language Instruction - 3 hours
Prereq: the equivalent of a major in French or German or Spanish OR permission of department
Critical review, evaluation and application of contemporary methods of second language instruction.
FORL 870P - TESOL - 3 hours
Theoretical foundations and sociolinguistic contexts of ESL teaching.
FORL 872P - Foreign Language Pedagogy - 3 hours
Prereq: the equivalent of a major in French or German or Spanish OR permission of department
Current trends in foreign language teaching and learning with emphasis on theory and practice.
FORL 896 - Thesis - 6 hours
FORL 897 - Directed Readings - 1-3 hours
Individual studies and research under the guidance of a graduate faculty member. May be taken twice for two separate studies or research approved by the graduate faculty in the specific language.
FORL 898 - Special Topics - 1-3 hours
Prereq: admission into the MAE in Spanish program
Special topics to be determined by the Department of Modern Languages. May be taken more than once.
FORL 899P - Independent Studies - 1-3 hours
Prereq: approval by the department
Directed research in foreign language education, methodology, or translation / interpreting. May be taken twice for two separate studies or research.

28 Aug 2015