Offered by Department of Counseling and School Psychology

Alcohol and Drug Counseling

Alcohol and Drug Counseling Certificate

This certificate meets the need for clinicians and students in the counseling field to obtain a professional license in addiction counseling. The State of Nebraska offers an Alcohol and Drug Counselor License that requires initial education in addiction counseling beyond the graduate level education courses for a Mental Health Counseling License. These educational requirements include courses specific to addiction and a practicum in addiction counseling. This certificate offers the courses required for Alcohol and Drug Counselor licensure allowing clinical mental health counseling students and Mental Health professionals in the field to gain the education necessary to hold this specialty license. The certificate also fills a larger need for an expanded rural behavioral healthcare force in the State of Nebraska as has been identified by the Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska and the Nebraska State Legislature.

Student Learning Outcomes for the Alcohol and Drug Counseling Certificate:

The student population to be served includes:

Alcohol and Drug Counseling - 12 hours

27 Jun 2016