Offered by Department of Economics
College of Business and Technology
VOED Courses
- VOED 801 - Seminar in Vocational Education - 3 hours
- Prereq: graduate standing or permission of instructor
Concerned with the analysis of current problems, trends and recent developments in vocational and technical education with
particular attention to situations related to individual student needs and interests.
- VOED 802 - Practicum in Vocational Education - 3-6 hours
- Prereq: graduate standing or permission of instructor
Designed to provide vocational educators an opportunity to implement new programs, become involved in related research or gain
internship experiences. A proposal must be submitted prior to registering for the course.
- VOED 810 - Individual Studies in Vocational Education - 1-3 hours
- Students spend time on a problem which is not included under the regular vocational/technical education program of
instruction. Two copies of a well-written paper must be filed before credit is granted, one to be filed with the professor in
charge of the study and one with the Director of the Center for Vocational Education. Offered by arrangement.
- VOED 832P - Foundations and Contemporary Issues in Vocational Education - 1-3 hours
- Origins and philosophy of vocational education and its relationship to the school curriculum. Required for vocational
endorsement and recommended as an elective for school administrators.
- VOED 834P - Introduction to Student with Special Needs - 3 hours
- *(meets the Human Relations requirement for teachers)
This course is designed to assist teachers in understanding some of the causative factors for students' failure in the regular
classroom. Emphasis is placed upon issues and concerns in providing education in a multicultural society. Attention is directed
towards state and federal legislation regarding disadvantaged and handicapped students and discrimination as it relates to the
classroom. The effect of teacher attitude and behavior upon student learning is surveyed.
- VOED 848 - Equity in Today's Society - 3 hours
- To increase awareness of the Equal Opportunity Legislation, the equity emphasis in the Vocational Education Legislation, and
to survey the underlying attitudes and values of society that make it so difficult to achieve the full implementation of equal
- VOED 896 - Thesis - 3-6 hours
- VOED 899 - Special Topics in Vocational Education - 1-3 hours
- This course is designed to enable students to become knowledgeable of recent trends and issues in vocational education.