Offered by Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
College of Natural and Social Sciences

CSIS Courses

CSIS 801P - Operating Systems - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 330*
Introduction to modern operating system concepts and design. Topics will include: Processes, semaphores, monitors, concurrent process management, virtual memory, file systems, scheduling algorithms, deadlocks and protection, I/O control interrupt handling, client-server model, remote procedure call, distributed synchronization, threads and transactions.
CSIS 802P - Introduction to Automata, Formal Languages, and Computability - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 180* or MATH 115*
A survey of the fundamental concepts and conclusions in the theory of computation. Topics cover regular languages and finite automata, Kleen's theorem, context-free languages and pushdown automata, formal grammars, Chomsky hierarchy, Turing machine and computability, computational complexity.
CSIS 805P - Compiler Construction - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 402* or CSIS 802P*
Techniques and organization of compilers, assemblers, and interpreters. Structure of programming language symbol tables, scans, and object code generation considered.
CSIS 806P - Internet-based Information Systems Development - 3 hours
Prereq or Coreq: CSIS 150* AND either CSIS 425* or CSIS 825P* AND graduate standing
This course is designed to assist students in learning the skills necessary to design and build Internet-based information systems. Skills and knowledge gained in this course can be applied in the development of information systems that support interactive Web sites, electronic commerce systems, and other systems that involve interaction with a database through the Internet. Security of Internet based information systems will also be covered.
CSIS 822P - Computer Graphics - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 330*
Introduction to the techniques for generating lines, curves, surfaces, 2D and 3D graphics, modeling and rendering. Topics include display hardware, transformations, interactive technologies, geometric modeling, 2D and 3D display algorithms, graphics software system architecture, visible-surface algorithms, illumination and shading.
CSIS 825P - Database Systems - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 130* or CSIS 834P* or instructor permission AND graduate standing
This course is a comprehensive study of multi-user database concepts. The relational model and relational database management systems along with proper database design will be emphasized. The normalization process and the various normal forms will be covered. Internet database applications are introduced. SQL will serve as the standard language for database manipulation. Several current database management systems will be introduced and will serve as the sample DBMSs for implementation of the course material.
CSIS 826P - Computer Architecture - 4 hours
Prereq: either PHYS 205* and PHYS 205L OR PHYS 275* and PHYS 275L AND 6 hours of CSIS courses, preferably CSIS 130* and CSIS 301*
The study of the logic and theory of operation of the main hardware blocks of computers, their control, and their software/hardware interactions. The emphasis is on microcomputer architecture, including laboratory experiments with various systems and their I/O and interfacing characteristics.
CSIS 828P - Data Communications and Distributed Processing - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 130* or CSIS 834P* or ITEC 345* AND instructor permission
Study of network topology, protocols, management and communication media. Evaluation of present communication hardware, software, and future advancements in networking.
CSIS 834P - Information Technology Teaching Methods - 3 hours
Prereq: TE 810 or TE 870 or TE 886P or instructor permission
This course will include information technology curriculum development and instruction, with a focus on applying programming concepts to K-12 education. Intended only for Teachers. Cannot be applied toward any other Computer Science/Information System Major or Minor.
CSIS 840P - Client-side Web Application Development - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 130* or CSIS 834P* or instructor permission AND graduate standing
This course covers the wide range of state-of-the-art computer technologies that are used to present information in a multimedia context. Students will use current tools and strategies for the interfacing of text, graphics, sound, and additional multimedia objects. Students will also learn the current techniques for creating hypertext documents as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium. Finally the students will learn an appropriate state-of-the-art scripting language to allow for dynamic content in their hypertext documents.
CSIS 841P - Artificial Intelligence - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 150* and graduate status
An in-depth study of intelligent agents, tree and search methods, constraint satisfaction problems, optimization problems, game-playing, logical analysis, and uncertainty modeling. Machine learning techniques are introduced. Applications to robotics, psychology, business intelligence and data mining are also discussed.
CSIS 848P - System Administration - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 834P* or TE 870 or permission of instructor
This course provides an overview of how to manage a server and its users. Topics include but not limited to installing server operating system, creating user and group accounts, setting up policies, adding and configuring devices and drivers, managing data storage, setting up security evaluating performance, trouble shooting, and virtualization.
CSIS 850P - E-Commerce Information Systems - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 834P* or TE 870 or TE 877 or instructor permission
This course will present, develop, explore, and illustrate the nature and use of E-commerce Information System development methodologies in an inter-organizational setting, and discuss responsibilities at all life cycle stages. It is a comprehensive study of electronic commerce, with in-depth coverage of e-commerce technologies and e-commerce business models including business-to-consumer models, business-to-business models, consumer-to-consumer models, peer-to-peer models, and mobile commerce. It introduces global e-commerce, security and encryption issues, and ethical, social and political issues related to e-commerce. E-commerce interface designs for electronic storefronts, malls, catalogs, shopping carts, search engines, auctions, e-payment systems, e-learning, and e-government will be covered. Consumer interactions with payment processing mechanisms and relationships to information technology development and support will be studied.
CSIS 858P - Computer Security - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 848P* or instructor permission
This course provides an overview of security issues associated with the development and deployment of information systems. Topics include authentication, encryption, firewalls, security standards and protocols, attack prevention, detection, and recovery.
CSIS 892P - Practicum in Computer Science/Information Systems - 1-6 hours
Prereq: either CSIS 223* or CSIS 301* AND permission of department chair AND graduate standing
This course provides the student the opportunity to gain experience in the application of computer science/computer information systems principles in a variety of settings. Arrangements must be made in writing prior to registering for the course. (A total of three credit hours of any combination of CSIS 399 and CSIS 492-495 may be applied toward a computer science/information systems major, minor, or endorsement.)
CSIS 893P - Directed Readings in Computer Science/Information Systems - 1-3 hours
Prereq: either CSIS 150* or CSIS 834P* AND permission of department chair AND graduate standing
Independent readings on advanced or contemporary topics in computer science/computer information systems, to be selected in consultation with and directed by a computer science/computer information systems faculty member. A written contract specifying readings and requirements for the course is required before registering for the course. Any topic that is thoroughly covered by any regularly offered computer science or computer information systems course is not allowed for Directed Readings.
CSIS 894P - Directed Research in Computer Science/Information Systems - 1-6 hours
Prereq: either CSIS 150* or CSIS 834P* AND permission of department chair AND graduate standing
Independent original research in computer science/computer information systems under the direction of a computer science/computer information systems faculty member. A written contract specifying topic and requirements is required before registering for the course.
CSIS 895P - Independent Study in Computer Science/Information Systems - 1-3 hours
Prereq: either CSIS 150* or CSIS 834P* AND permission of department chair AND graduate standing
Project will be in an area of interest to the student and should include programming. Upon completion of the project a format presentation will be given by the student to all interested parties. A written contract specifying topic and requirements is required before registering for the course.
CSIS 896P - Seminar in Computer Science - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 330* and graduate standing
Provides experience and background that will prepare the student for an actual working environment. Reinforcement of previous classwork, enhancement of communication skills, and learning to work with people will be stressed. Primary tasks include a team-based computer science project and the study of ethics for computer science professionals.
CSIS 897P - Seminar in Computer Information Systems - 3 hours
Prereq: CSIS 380*
Prereq or Coreq: either CSIS 425* or CSIS 825P* AND graduate standing
This course provides experience and background that will prepare the student for an actual working environment. Reinforcement and validation of knowledge gained in previous coursework, enhancement of communication skills, and learning to work with people will be stressed. Primary tasks will include a team-based information systems development project and the study of ethics for computer information systems professionals.
CSIS 899P - Special Topics in Computer Science and Information Systems - 1-3 hours
Prereq: varies with topic
This course is designed to enable students to become knowledgeable of recent trends and issues in computer science and information systems. The course format varies depending on subject matter, instructor and student needs.

* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is required prior to this immediate prerequisite.

20 Feb 2012