Modern Languages Program Information and Admission Requirements

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Master of Arts in Education Degree

Spanish Education

Admission to a Master's Degree program in Modern Languages is based on consideration of the following:

  1. The Graduate Record Examination General Test score, or the candidate can elect to take a qualifying examination devised by the Graduate Faculty of Spanish;
  2. Twenty-four semester hours of upper level undergraduate coursework in Spanish or equivalent;
  3. Personal interview with a member of the graduate faculty in Spanish. (References may be sent if an interview is not feasible.);
  4. Teaching certification (or near completion thereof) for candidates that wish to teach in U.S. public schools.

A student may be admitted with deficiencies in undergraduate coursework on the condition that the deficiencies be eliminated during the first 18 hours of graduate work.

A program of study must be developed in consultation with the graduate advisor.

Comprehensive Examination: Upon completion of the required and elective courses in the MAE program, the students will be examined in both written and oral form over the principal graduate courses taken in the Department (usually 6 to 7). They will write an essay for each in the language of instruction of the course. During the oral exam, the students will be expected to answer in the corresponding language as well.

22 Jun 2011