Offered by Department of Management
College of Business and Technology
MGT Courses
- MGT 800/800P - Entrepreneurship - 3 hours
- This course explores the phenomena of entrepreneurship, including the myths, realities, and impact of entrepreneurial activity.
Students assess their own entrepreneurial aptitude and interests, meet a variety of entrepreneurs, and investigate the processes
of generating promising ideas, evaluating the viability of those ideas, finding capital, considering franchise opportunities, and
developing a new venture management team. The class is project oriented with each student participating in the development of a
feasibility plan for a new venture.
- MGT 801P - Small Business Management - 3 hours
- Prereq: MKT 300
This course focuses on the operation of small business and the small business environment. This course deals with the topics related
to personnel, government regulations of small business, advertising, sales promotion, accounting, finance, forecasting, family
ownership and other management related problems. F, Sp.
- MGT 803 - Independent Study of Business - 1-3 hours
- Students work individually in selecting and developing teaching projects or research studies that are of particular
interest and significance to them.
- MGT 809P - Leadership: Skills, Applications, Research - 3 hours
- This course is designed to give students preparing for careers in business, government, and the nonprofit sector a working
knowledge of leadership styles, principles, models, and practical applications. Students will learn to engage critically in analytical
and intellectual examination and reflection of certain core issues in the practice of leadership. Topics covered include
history of leadership, leadership traits and behaviors, motivation and communication patterns, teamwork, use of power, development
of trust, effective group facilitation, negotiation and persuasion, effective change, and ethics. Sp.
- MGT 810/810P - Compensation Management - 3 hours
- A study of the basic forms of financial compensation, including benefits packages. Principles of internal, external,
and individual equity as determined by job evaluation, salary surveys, and performance evaluation comprise the core of
this course. Suggested prerequisite: MGT 380.
- MGT 811/811P - Labor Relations - 3 hours
- A study of labor-management relations as defined by negotiated labor contracts. Topics include history of the labor
movement, union structure and function, the negotiation process, and issues in labor relations.
- MGT 814 - Operations Management - 3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 233* or equivalent
This course explores the transformation of materials, land, labor and capital into goods and services. Quantitative
Management Systems are applied to the manufacturing process.
- MGT 815P - Quality Management Concepts & Practice - 3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 314* or equivalent
Overview of the concepts and techniques of quality management, including statistical tools, people element of quality management, and
philosophies and practices of six sigma. Students are expected to be computer literate.
- MGT 820 - Managerial Communications - 3 hours
- Application of principles of communication to the managerial setting. The course investigates the influence of
organizational climate, manager's style and use of motivation in the communication process.
- MGT 825 - Decision Science - 3 hours
- Prereq: MATH 115* or MATH 123*
Recent developments relating to business application of linear programming, simplex method, transportation method, post
optimality analysis, game theory, utility theory, PERT-CPM, queuing theory, dynamics programming, Markov chains,
Decision tree analysis, time series analysis and forecasting.
- MGT 870 - Decision Theory Seminar - 3 hours
- Decision theory is reviewed in terms of identification, analysis and application. In-depth analysis is conducted
concerning decision models, quantitative methods used in operations research, management science and systems analysis.
- MGT 880 - Human Resource Management - 3 hours
- This course is designed as an introduction to such fundamental human resource management areas as job analysis,
staffing and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, employee relations, compensation, labor
relations, and international HR. The strategic implications of HR will be explored with integrated applications for all
managers. The focus of the course will be both conceptual and applied, including discussions of current issues and
controversies confronting the field.
- MGT 885/885P - Seminar in Human Resource Management - 3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 380 or equivalent
Provides the student with an opportunity to study and research current issues in human resource management; course
stresses an informal setting and open communications approach.
- MGT 889/889P - Business Consultantship - 3 hours
- Consent of the Department Chair is required. This course affords the student an opportunity to serve in a consultant
capacity for an area business. In-depth business analysis is conducted by the student, and specific recommendations are
reported to the management of the firm.
- MGT 890 - Organizational Theory & Behavior - 3 hours
- Human behavior in organizations is studied intently, including organizational ecology, structure and change; individual
and group behavior; conflict between personality and organization leadership, communication, and decision making.
- MGT 891 - Seminar in Organizational Behavior - 3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 890
This course explores current issues in organizational behavior. Students research, analyze, and discuss issues in order
to develop a futuristic philosophy of organizational management.
- MGT 892 - Administration Policy - 3 hours
- A case study course designed to integrate the knowledge acquired in other courses in business administration and to
emphasize analysis and decision making. This is a capstone course to be taken after M.B.A. core courses are completed.
- MGT 893/893P - Social Responsibility of Business: Issues and Ethics - 3 hours
- A study of the societal challenge of business; how business and society interface; the micro and macro publics of
business; ecology, consumerism, and technology as societal problems; the ethics of business.
- MGT 896 - Thesis - 3-6 hours
- MGT 899/899P - Management Topics - 3 hours
- Selected topics and problems of current interest considered in-depth. Class discussion and course projects. Topics vary
each semester depending on instructor.
* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is
required prior to this immediate prerequisite.