The Calendar in the beginning of this catalog emphasizes noteworthy dates in the academic year.

The General Information section provides a history of Graduate Studies at UNK, as well as information about the facilities and policies on campus.

The Admissions Information section outlines the appropriate procedures for applying to UNK as a postgraduate or graduate student.

The Financial Information section provides options to help students plan for expenses, as well as information about how UNK can help qualified students meet educational expenses.

The Academic Information section explains the degrees, academic programs, and opportunities available to students. The Academic Regulations detail the various procedures, requirements and regulations that affect students while at UNK.

The Graduate Programs section details the requirements for the available degree programs. These are listed in alphabetical order by department. Information and admission requirements unique to each program are included, in addition to the specific requirements for each degree.

Descriptions of the courses offered by UNK are available in the Graduate Courses section, including the number, title, hours, and a brief summary of the course content.

The Graduate Faculty section lists members of the graduate faculty in alphabetical order, including their special teaching and research interests.

The Departments section lists departments and programs that offer courses at the graduate level. Each listing contains the names of the chair and graduate faculty, as well as graduate program committee members and a list of programs offered.

19 Jun 2007