Offered by Department of Biology
College of Natural and Social Sciences

BIOL Courses

BIOL 800P - Microbiology - 4 hours
An introduction to bacteria and other microorganisms; laboratory technique stressed. Three hours of laboratory each week. Offered on-campus Spring only.
BIOL 801P - Principles of Immunology - 4 hours
Prereq: BIOL 309*; BIOL 360*; BIOL 211 or BIOL 400*
Topics to be covered include: 1) the structural and functional aspects of the immune system, 2) disorders of the immune system, 3) structure and function of antibody molecules, 4) immuno-biology of tissue transplants, 5) basic aspects of cancer and cancer therapy that relate to immunology, 6) allergies, and 7) antigen-antibody interaction. Lab required. Offered on-campus Spring only.
BIOL 802 - Organic Evolution - 3 hours
A study of evolution beginning with the origin of life and characterizing biological mechanisms of evolution leading to present biodiversity. Offered on-campus and on-line every Fall.
BIOL 803P - Plant Physiology - 3 hours
Life processes of plants with an emphasis on water relations and hormonal and stress physiology. Three hours of laboratory each week. Fee required. Offered on-campus Spring, odd-numbered years.
BIOL 804 - Evolution of Epidemics - 3 hours
Through videotaped lectures, reading and writing assignments, and on-line discussions, students will develop an understanding of the origin and the evolution of plagues. We will illustrate the techniques humans have to defend against epidemics and will speculate about their role in shaping humanity and our futures. Offered on-line Fall of odd-numbered years.
BIOL 804P - Developmental Biology - 3 hours
Principles of developmental processes with emphasis on the physiological and genetic events occurring during the growth and maturation of living organisms. Three hours of laboratory each week. Offered on-campus Spring of odd-numbered years.
BIOL 805P - Range and Wildlife Management - 3 hours
Basic principles of range and pasture management for use by domestic livestock and wildlife. Course includes three hours of field or laboratory work each week. Offered on-campus Spring, even-numbered years.
BIOL 806P - Plant Ecology - 3 hours
A study of plants in relation to their environment. Three hours of laboratory or field work each week. Offered on-campus Fall of even-numbered years.
BIOL 809P - Biological Studies using GIS - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 307*, General Biology I & II OR permission of instructor
Students will become proficient in the use of ESRI's ArcView and ArcGIS. In order to do this students will become familiar with basic cartographic principles needed to use GIS software. Student will also learn about online data sources, GPS receivers, and organizing data structures on computers for projects. Independent projects will be required to allow students to get that crucial experience. Offered on-line Fall of even-numbered years.
BIOL 810P - Fire Ecology and Management in Grasslands - 1 hour
Familiarizes students with the role of fire as a major ecosystem process in grasslands and its use as a management tool. Provides the opportunity for certification for prescribed burning and wildland firefighting at federal, state, or private agency levels. Offered "in the field" Spring of odd-numbered years.
BIOL 811 - Scientific Illustration - 3 hours
An introduction to the discipline of scientific illustration. Students will learn the fundamental principles of creating effective illustrations for the purpose of communicating science. A limited set of media types, both traditional and digital, will be explored. The main focus will be on creating the best images for use in research, teaching, journal publications, presentations, and other applications. Copyright and other legal issues will also be discussed. A basic knowledge of biological concepts is useful; artistic ability not required. Offered on-line Summer.
BIOL 812 - Microbial Diversity - 3 hours
New techniques in molecular biology have revealed three distinct cell lineages: bacteria, archaea, and eukaryae. When considering microorganisms, this information has created major changes in our understanding of phylogeny and our use of taxonomy. This course will begin with current taxonomic groupings of microorganisms and their basic characteristics. The second half of the course will focus on how these groupings were created and on what weaknesses there are in our current understanding. Offered on-line Fall of even-numbered years.
BIOL 813 - Issues in Bioethics - 3 hours
Bioethics is the study of ethical controversies in both biology and medicine. Science has progressed significantly in the last century and with this progress has come ethical questions. The intent of this course is to focus on a variety of issues that have arisen, including, but not limited to, assisted reproductive technologies, sex selection, cloning, and stem cell research to name a few. Offered Spring of even-numbered years.
BIOL 814 - Plant Pathology - 3 hours
The course focuses on the biology of plant pathogen interactions. Students will gain an in depth knowledge of the disease processes of a large variety of plant diseases at both the whole plant and the molecular level. Emphasis is also placed on current issues and topics in plant pathology in independent research review projects.
BIOL 816P - Plant Diversity and Evolution - 4 hours
Morphology of each group of the plant kingdom. Three hours of laboratory each week. Offered on-campus Spring, even-numbered years.
BIOL 818P - Plant Taxonomy - 3 hours
Collection and identification of vascular plants with emphasis on the prairies and plains. A family approach is utilized. Three hours of laboratory or fieldwork each week. Offered on-campus, Fall only.
BIOL 820 - Introduction to Graduate Study - 3 hours
An introduction to graduate research methods and biological techniques for the professional teacher and biologist. Emphasis on literature of science, design of a problem, methods and techniques of biological investigation and scientific writing. The student will submit a research proposal as one requirement of the course. No grade of incomplete will be given. The student is encouraged to take this course during his/ her first nine hours of graduate work in Biology. Offered on-campus and on-line every Spring.
BIOL 821 - Directed Readings - 1-3 hours
Prereq: permission of instructor
Enables the student to supplement knowledge in selected areas of biology. Primarily independent readings as assigned by the instructor.
Readings in Genetic & Societal Problems
Readings in Biological Techniques
Readings in Vertebrate Biology
Readings in Invertebrate Biology
Readings in Aquatic Biology
Readings in Cell Biology
Readings in Recent Developments in Biology
Readings in Systematics and Ecology
Readings in Evolution
Readings in Botany
Readings in Microbiology
Readings in Developmental Biology
BIOL 822 - Advances in Biology - 1-3 hours
Recent advances in biological topics will be covered. A maximum of 6 hours credit may be counted toward a degree.
BIOL 824 - Principles of Ecology - 3 hours
This course examines some of the most important papers in the field of ecology as a means for understanding the field, where it has been, and where it may go. Ecology has many definitions that have changed through time and interpretation of different authors; we discuss what the modern scientific boundary of this field are. To this end, part of the course reviews the current state of ecology with modern writings, but the majority of the course is spent reading classic papers. This course also has a lab component consisting of experiments that can be done at any location.
BIOL 827 - Biological Statistics - 3 hours
This statistics course explores data analysis by exploring data analysis through sample distributions, hypotheses testing, one-sample tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and non-parametric equivalents, linear regression, and exploration of multivariate analysis. Evaluation of error probability, sample size, and statistical power are also addressed. A second section of the class deals expressly with experimental design and how design relates to statistical tests used. This class is intended to help graduate students plan their research before data has been collected by clarifying when to use what tests. Offered on-line every Spring.
BIOL 829 - Ecological Anthropology - 2 hours
This course is a study of human civilization through lens of biology. Readings specifically examine the role of biogeography, species distribution, and other natural resource utilization in how humans have colonized the planet. The class also focuses on why certain civilizations in history have advanced faster than others, and how and why civilizations have failed – when those factors have had a biological component. This is a reading course with an emphasis on discussion. Offered on-line in Summer.
BIOL 830P - Special Topics in Biology - 1-3 hours
Topics are studied which are not assigned or covered in other courses in the department. The format of this course will vary depending on the topic instruction and the needs of students.
Topics in Botany
Topics in Fresh Water Biology
Topics in Vertebrate Biology
Topics in Invertebrate Biology
Topics in Nebraska Flora
Topics in Nebraska G.I.S.
Topics in Physiology
BIOL 831 - Biological Research - 1-3 hours
Independent investigation of biological problems. A maximum of three hours credit may count toward the 36 hours required for the thesis option and a maximum of six hours may count towards the 36 hours required for the non-thesis option.
BIOL 833P - Invertebrate Zoology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105, BIOL 106 OR permission of instructor
This course provides an introduction to the biology of specific phyla, classes, and orders of invertebrates with emphasis on classification, morphology, structure and function of their internal anatomy, ecology and evolution, and fundamental concepts characteristic of this diverse animal group. Laboratory stresses anatomy, natural history and ecology of invertebrates. Three hours of laboratory every week. Offered on-campus in Fall of odd-numbered years.
BIOL 834 - Conservation Biology - 3 hours
An overview of conservation biology and its importance. Special emphasis is placed on ecological, economic, and social issues relevant to biological rarity.
BIOL 835P - Herpetology - 3 hours
Introduction to vertebrate animals, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Ecological and evolutionary aspects will be emphasized. Laboratory based course offered on-campus Fall of odd-numbered years.
BIOL 840 - Infectious Diseases - 3 hours
This course is an introduction to medical microbiology with coverage of viral, bacterial, fungal, and protozoan disease causing microorganisms. It will cover the basic mechanisms of infection, disease progression, and immune response. It is strongly suggested that students have taken an introductory microbiology course before taking this class. Offered on-line Fall of even-numbered years.
BIOL 840P - Infectious Diseases - 4 hours
This course focuses on the medical aspects of microbiology. The course will cover viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasitic protists. We will study the mechanisms of infection, disease progression, and immune response. Three hours of laboratory will be required each week. Offered Fall, odd-numbered years.
BIOL 844 - Molecular Biotechnology - 3 hours
The course will consist of a short review of pertinent principles in protein structure and function, enzyme mechanisms and kinetics, and the basics of the genetic dogma and recombinant DNA technology. The bulk of the course will be made up of a topical consideration of subjects in biotechnology such as: the production of protein pharmaceuticals, genetic engineering of animals and plants, and cloning of organisms. Special consideration will be given to the molecular mechanisms behind the processes discussed.
BIOL 850P - Molecular Biology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 309*, BIOL 360* OR permission of instructor
An in-depth discussion of the principles of modern molecular biology. Major topics of discussion will include: 1) DNA as a store of information, 2) protein synthesis, 3) transcriptional control of gene expression, 4) DNA replication, 5) eukaryotic gene structure, 6) gene families, 7) RNA processing, 8) DNA packaging, 9) recombinant DNA methodology, and 10) genes in development and cancer. Offered on-campus Fall only.
BIOL 852P - Techniques in Molecular Biology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 309* or CHEM 351* or permission of instructor
The course is designed to familiarize the student with modern molecular biology techniques. Students will be exposed to a number of techniques including RNA isolation, polymerase chain reaction, cloning DNA, sequencing DNA, computer analysis of sequence data, expression of cloned genes in bacteria and protein analysis and purification procedures. One lecture and two three hour laboratories per week. Fall semesters only.
BIOL 854 - Biological Application of GIS - 3 hours
Students will become proficient in the use of Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)'s ArcGIS. There will be an emphasis on the handling, organization, and types of data storage pertaining to the use of this type of software. Students will also become familiar with basic, cartographic principles needed to use GIS software, online data sources, and GPS receivers.
BIOL 856P - Regional Field Study - 1-4 hours
This course is designed to introduce students to detailed biological studies of specific regions. Regions studied may vary depending upon instructor availability and student needs. Topics may include but are not limited to:
  • Tropical and Marine Island Biology
  • Natural History of Nebraska
  • Natural History of the Southwest
Offered Spring only.
BIOL 857 - Human Histology - 3 hours
Histology is also called micro-anatomy. This course examines animal bodies on the tissue and cellular level. Most examples will be from human anatomy. Basic tissue types will be studied as well as organ structure and function. Time will be devoted to sensory structures, which tend to be complex. As a distance class, micropictographs will be used (not glass slides) from web and CD-ROM sources, as well as an assigned textbook.
BIOL 858 - Physiology of Stress - 3 hours
An examination of how living organisms cope with short- and long-term exposure to extreme environmental conditions related to nutrient and water availability, temperature, and pressure. A basic understanding of organismal physiology is required. Offered on-line Summer only.
BIOL 859 - Biology of the Brain - 3 hours
This course will focus on the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and will include gross anatomical features and landmarks of the cerebral hemispheres, diencephalons, brainstem, cerebellum and spinal cord. Physiological aspects will include the generation and modification of action potentials as well as normal functions of the specific regions of the central nervous system. Selected abnormal functions will also be studied. The interdependency of the central nervous system to itself (various pathways between the spinal cord and within the brain) as well as to the peripheral nervous system and select organ systems will complete the focus of the course. It is recommended that students have taken anatomy and physiology before enrolling in this course.
BIOL 860 - Concepts of Genetics - 3 hours
Application based course covering the classical and molecular principles of inheritance. Concepts covered include various historical concepts surrounding transmission, molecular, and population genetics, current state of the discipline, and the future outlook for the field. Students are required to demonstrate their knowledge and critical thinking skills through quizzes, tests, and writing assignments. Offered on-line Fall of odd-numbered years only.
BIOL 861P - Human Genetics - 3 hours
The course focuses on contemporary human genetics with emphasis on genetic diseases. A study of the genetic basis and frequency of genetic defects in man and genetic counseling. Offered on-campus Spring of even-numbered years. Offered on-line Fall of even-numbered years.
BIOL 862P - Animal Behavior - 3 hours
An introduction to the science of ethology. A survey of the mechanism, function, and development of behavior. Offered on-campus, Spring of odd-numbered years.
BIOL 863 - Biological Perspectives - 3 hours
A review of the major advances in biology from the ancients to the present, with emphasis on paradigm shifts and science as a human endeavor. Offered on-line summer only.
BIOL 865P - Physiology - 3 hours
The structure and function of the systems of the vertebrate body. Three hours of laboratory each week. Offered on-campus, Spring only.
BIOL 866 - Functional Morphology - 3 hours
A study of the structure, form, and function of morphological adaptations in plants and animals as examined through a mechanical, ecological, and evolutionary perspective. This course will investigate the form and function of organisms through lecture, laboratory-like assignments, discussion, and independent research projects.
BIOL 868P - Parasitology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105, BIOL 106 OR permission of instructor
The basic concepts of parasitology with emphasis on the major types of medically and economically important parasites (protozoan, helminth and arthropods) will be covered, including life cycle, diagnosis, treatment, immunity, pathology, control, and ecology and evolution. Laboratory stresses identification of the various developmental stages of these parasites. Three hours of laboratory a week. Offered on-campus, Spring only.
BIOL 869 - Conservation of Birds and Mammals - 3 hours
"Wildlife" is defined as wild birds and wild mammals. It does not include other vertebrates (fish, amphibians, or reptiles), nor does it include invertebrate animals. This is a course about the Principles of Wildlife Conservation, and is not specifically about wildlife management, or even wildlife ecology. However, both these latter subjects will be examined briefly. Wildlife conservation usually involves as much if not more of the following disciplines than it involves biology: history, sociology, and politics. It is recommended that you have taken a course in ecology and statistics before enrolling in this course.
BIOL 870P - Insect Biology - 3 hours
An introduction to insects and related arthropods. Emphasis is placed on morphology, physiology, taxonomy and ecology of insects. Three hours of laboratory or field work each week. Offered on-campus Fall, odd-numbered years.
BIOL 871P - Methods in Secondary Science Teaching - 3 hours
An examination of current developments in curricula, methods, and materials. Laboratory time arranged. Offered on-campus Fall only.
BIOL 872P - Fresh Water Biology - 4 hours
Characteristics of inland waters, the forces and processes which mold and maintain the integrity of these waters, and the interrelationships between the physical factors and the organism inhabiting the environment with a focus on classification, anatomy, distribution, ecology, physiology and management of fishes. Three hours of laboratory or field work each week. Offered on-campus, Fall of even-numbered years.
BIOL 873P - Ornithology - 3 hours
An introduction to bird study. Three hours of laboratory or field work each week. Offered on-campus Spring, even-numbered years.
BIOL 874P - Mammalogy - 3 hours
Introduction to mammals: ecology, classification, physiology, and behavior. Three-hour laboratory per week for preparation and identification of specimens. Offered on-campus, Fall of even-numbered years.
BIOL 875 - Internship in Biology - 1-9 hours
Taken as part of the professional semester. Emphasizes the professional development of the individual.
BIOL 876 - Life Science Curriculum - 3 hours
A discussion of the life science curriculum, with emphasis on essential content, efforts to reform curricula at the state and national levels, and impediments to curriculum change. Offered on-line spring of odd-numbered years only.
BIOL 880 - Seminar - 1 hour
A discussion of selected topics in a seminar format. Offered on-campus Fall and Spring semesters.
BIOL 881 - Current Issues in Biology - 1 hour
Students participate in online discussion of selected topics in a seminar format. This course is repeatable for up to 3 credit hours. Offered on-line all semesters.
BIOL 882P - Seminar in Molecular Biology - 1 hour
Prereq: BIOL 360* or permission of instructor
An in-depth discussion of current topics in molecular biology. Guest speakers, faculty and students will give presentations weekly. Some presentations will consist of the students reading an assigned paper followed by an oral presentation of its contents. Student participants are expected to read all journal articles presented, whether they are presenting or not. This course does not serve as a substitute for BIOL 880 Seminar.
BIOL 884 - Freshwater Management Techniques - 3 hours
Through videotaped lectures, reading and writing assignments, and on-line discussions, students will be introduced to both freshwater ecosystems and fishery management. Students will learn to analyze freshwater management problems using multiple techniques, to suggest alternative approaches, and to identify consequences of those approaches. Offered on-line Spring of odd-numbered years only.
BIOL 885P - Molecular Genetics - 3 hours
An in-depth study of gene structure and replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Gene function in developing and differentiated cells will also be studied in detail. Offered on-campus only.
BIOL 886 - Sexual Selection - 1 hour
Small group discussions will be used to discuss readings on the role of sexual selection in evolution. Offered Spring of odd-numbered years.
BIOL 896 - Thesis - 3-6 hours

* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is required prior to this immediate prerequisite.

11 May 2009