Science Teaching
Master of Science in Education Degree
GR MSE 5110
MSE in Science Teaching = 36 hours
- Professional Components (12 hours required)
- Pedagogy (9 hours)
- Take 1 course from:
- BIOL 876, Life Science Curriculum - 3 hours
- EDAD 848, Curriculum Planning - 3 hours
- PHYS 872P, Science Curricula - 3 hours
- VOED 834P, Introduction to Student with Special Needs - 3 hours
- Take 1 course from:
- CSP 800, Advanced Educational Psychology - 3 hours
- CSP 805, Behavioral Characteristics of Children and Adolescents - 3 hours
- Take 1 course from:
- EDAD 831, Social Foundations of Education - 3 hours
- TE 803, Philosophy of Education - 3 hours
- Research (3 hours)
- Choose one of the following:
- BIOL 820, Introduction to Graduate Study - 3 hours
- STAT 837P, Computer Analysis of Statistical Data - 3 hours
- TE 802, Techniques of Research - 3 hours
- Academic Components (24 required)
- Major Emphasis (12-15 hours)
- Twelve to fifteen hours in an area of endorsement (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics or Physical Science)
- Second Emphasis (12 hours)
- A minimum of 12 hours in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Mathematics, Physics, or Physical Science outside the
major emphasis - courses must be taken in at least two areas. These courses will be selected to meet student needs as
indicated by previous course work and teaching duties. Under certain conditions, 3 hours of approved electives may be
outside the science area.
- Practicum (0-3 hours)
- This area would be considered as a deficiency, and hours earned here would be in addition to the required 36 hours.
This area can be met by one of the following:
- Teaching experience
- Graduate assistant teaching
- Internship
- A student would be required to meet the general requirements for entrance to graduate studies. To qualify for work
on this degree a student would be required to have an endorsement in Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics or
Physical Science.
A student could advance to this point by taking deficiency courses before embarking on this program.
See Science Teaching Program Information and Admission Requirements for more information about the program.