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Offered by Department of Modern Languages
College of Fine Arts and Humanities

SPAN Courses

SPAN 800P - Golden Age Drama - 3 hours
A study of the dramatists of the Golden Age in Spain.
SPAN 804 - Early Spanish Literature - 3 hours
Studies of representative works of Spanish literature from its beginning to 1680.
SPAN 808P - Comparative Grammar - 3 hours
A comparative and contrastive study of the structures of Spanish and English.
SPAN 814 - Oral, Written & Cultural Fluency - 3 hours
Prereq: SPAN 304*, SPAN 305* or SPAN 360*, graduate status
Designed to raise the students' level of cultural knowledge and of proficiency in oral and written form to that of fluency.
SPAN 815 - Seminar in Contemporary Spanish Thought - 3 hours
Main literary (and in part philosophical) figures and trends in twentieth century Spain and Latin America.
SPAN 816 - Seminar in Contemporary Latin American Prose Writings - 3 hours
Main literary trends and most important prose writers of Latin America in the twentieth century.
SPAN 818 - Seminar in Contemporary Drama - 3 hours
Study of the most important present-day dramatists writing in Spanish.
SPAN 825P - Modern Spanish Poetry - 3 hours
Survey of Spanish and Latin American poetry of the present day.
SPAN 830P - Latin American Literature - 3 hours
Survey of representative works of Latin American literature from its beginning to the present period.
SPAN 835P - Cervantes - 3 hours
The principal works of Cervantes with special emphasis on Don Quixote.
SPAN 860P - History of the Spanish Language - 3 hours
A study of the development of the Spanish language since its origins as related to phonetic and other linguistic changes.
SPAN 870P - Seminar in Spanish/ Latin American Studies - 3 hours
The study of literary works and cultural contexts. Topic to be selected and announced in schedule of courses. May be taken more than once.
SPAN 875 - Graduate Study Abroad - 3 hours
Prereq: SPAN 814* or permission of Graduate Chair
A study of the language and culture of Hispanic countries. This study will be conducted in a Spanish-speaking country; it also requires a research paper to be presented to UNK graduate faculty. Offered in Summer.
SPAN 876 - Graduate Study Abroad - 3 hours
Prereq: SPAN 814* or permission of Graduate Chair
A study of the language and culture of Hispanic countries. This study will be conducted in a Spanish-speaking country; it also requires a research paper to be presented to UNK graduate faculty. Offered in Summer.
SPAN 896 - Thesis - 6 hours
SPAN 897 - Directed Readings in Spanish - 1-3 hours
Prereq: any 800 level course in Spanish or Spanish American Literature
Individual studies and research under the guidance of a graduate faculty member. May be taken twice for two separate studies or research approved by the graduate faculty in the specific language.
SPAN 899 - Independent Studies in Spanish - 1-3 hours
Individual studies and research under the guidance of a faculty member. May be taken twice for two separate studies or research in Spanish.

* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is required prior to this immediate prerequisite.

31 Oct 2006
