Prereq: SPAN 304*,
SPAN 305* or
SPAN 360*, graduate status
Designed to raise the students' level of cultural knowledge and of proficiency in oral and written form to that of fluency.
Prereq: SPAN 814* or permission of Graduate Chair
A study of the language and culture of Hispanic countries. This study will be conducted in a Spanish-speaking country; it also
requires a research paper to be presented to UNK graduate faculty. Offered in Summer.
Prereq: SPAN 814* or permission of Graduate Chair
A study of the language and culture of Hispanic countries. This study will be conducted in a Spanish-speaking country; it also
requires a research paper to be presented to UNK graduate faculty. Offered in Summer.
Prereq: any 800 level course in Spanish or Spanish American Literature
Individual studies and research under the guidance of a graduate faculty member. May be taken twice for two separate studies or
research approved by the graduate faculty in the specific language.