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Offered by Department of Economics
College of Business and Technology

BTE Course

The following Business and Technology courses may be used as requirements or electives in other graduate degree programs.

BTE 801P - Educational Resources in Business and Technology - 1-3 hours
Introduces students to materials which are available for instructional purposes; each is demonstrated, and its psychological basis for use is discussed. Designed to be of special value to students in the areas of business education, industrial education and home economics education.
BTE 830 - Measurement and Evaluation Business and Technology - 3 hours
Application of theory to the selection and construction of evaluation instruments, their use and interpretation in the occupational areas of business and office education, home economics education, and industrial education.
BTE 831 - Evaluation of Vocational Education Programs - 3 hours
A study of the techniques of program evaluation. Emphasis will be placed on the teacher as a focal process of a total program evaluation, whether single subject area or total vocational education program. The course will deal with the philosophy of and purposes for program evaluation, analysis of program evaluation models, involvement of outside organizations/groups, gathering evaluation data, and presenting the evaluation report.
BTE 832 - Curriculum Development in Vocational Education Program - 3 hours
The primary purpose of this course is to provide the Home Economics, Business Education, and the Industrial Technology graduate students the opportunity to analyze forces which influence curriculum decisions. Further, emphasis will be directed toward the process of curriculum planning and development that supports and enhances a school philosophy. Various factors that influence and affect curriculum development will be examined.
BTE 844P - International Studies Institute - 3 hours
Provides opportunities for studies as offered by the International Studies Program.
BTE 894 - Techniques of Research - 3 hours
Involves introduction to graduate programs in business and technology and various concepts of research. Emphasis will be placed on developing competencies in conducting and interpreting educational research in the occupational areas of business and office education, home economics education and industrial education.

25 Aug 2006