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A student who wishes to become a candidate for the Master's or Specialist's Degree will file an application for Admission to Candidacy with the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. The form for such application is available in the Office of Graduate Studies and Research or via the web at: http://www.unk.edu/academics/gradstudies/forms/. The requirements for Admission to Candidacy are the following:

  1. Satisfactory completion of departmental requirements for admission to a degree program and for Admission to Candidacy.
  2. The successful completion of at least twelve (12) hours of University of Nebraska at Kearney graduate course work.
  3. Admission to Candidacy must come prior to registration for the last twelve semester hours required for graduation. A student may be refused Admission to Candidacy for the degree if previous college record, performance on qualifying criteria, or the quality of graduate work indicate inability to satisfactorily pursue graduate study.

25 Jul 2006