Student Support Services provides assistance for students who traditionally have not participated fully in higher education. The main goal of the program is to retain and graduate students who may require more individual attention than the general student population. Federal eligibility guidelines include students who are first generation (neither parent has completed a four-year college degree), students with economic disadvantages, students with disabilities, and students with a combination of these criteria.

Student Support Services offers a variety of programs to promote achievement, including a mentoring program led by faculty and professional staff and a retention services program. Summer and fall orientation services are provided to heighten student awareness of the support service. After skills assessment, the students are referred to tutors and mentors and networked to other campus services. Secondary counseling and advising are provided along with information and support for financial assistance. Academic programs, cultural opportunities, and involvement in campus activities are also emphasized.

The Student Support Services staff also teaches tailor-made sections of the University Foundations class in addition to providing one-on-one assistance to students meeting the federal criteria. The students are assisted with exploring and applying to Graduate Schools to continue their studies.

The Student Support Services program is funded by a federal TRIO Grant and the office is located in the Memorial Student Affairs Building.

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