University of Nebraska at Kearney
1998-2000 Undergraduate CATALOG
CSIS Courses
Offered by Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
College of Natural and Social Sciences
- CSIS 100 - Computing Environments - 1 hour
- Prereq: none
This course presents any one of a variety of currently demanded computer topics. It focuses on hands-on exposure to computer-based enhancement of personal productivity. Grading method is credit/no credit. Sample courses are:
CSIS 100.1 | Word Processing |
CSIS 100.2 | Spreadsheet |
CSIS 100.3 | Data Base |
CSIS 100.4 | MS/DOS Operating System |
CSIS 100.5 | Presentation Graphics |
CSIS 100.6 | Internet |
CSIS 100.7 | Advanced MS/DOS |
CSIS 100.8 | How to Buy a PC |
CSIS 100.9 | Software Sampler |
CSIS 100.A | Societal Issues |
CSIS 100.B | VM/CMS |
CSIS 100.C | UNIX |
CSIS 100.D | Windows |
CSIS 100.E | WWW Home Pages |
CSIS 108GS - Computers in Society - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
An elementary description of the components and principles of digital computers. Background and implications of information processing, computer influence on society, and uses of computers. Hands-on computer applications to reinforce concepts of problem solving and critical thinking and to illustrate modern applications of computers.
CSIS 109GS - FORTRAN Programming - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Basic concepts of problem analysis and computation. Introduction to the study of the FORTRAN programming language with mathematical and nonmathematical applications. A concurrent enrollment in CSIS 100.B VM/CMS is recommended.
CSIS 110GS - Structured COBOL Programming - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Structured programming and data processing in a commercial environment. Introduction to the study of the COBOL programming language with business applications. A concurrent enrollment in CSIS 100.B VM/CMS is recommended.
CSIS 111GS - Applied BASIC Programming - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
This course is a study of advanced concepts, techniques, and applications in structured BASIC programming; includes table handling, subprograms, sequential and direct files, sorting and graphics. Emphasis is on development of applications.
CSIS 112 - Programming in C - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Study of programming and problem-solving concepts and the implementation of these concepts using the C programming language. Demonstrates the power of C as a high and low level language.
CSIS 130GS - Introduction to Computer Science - 3 hours
- Prereq: a working knowledge of computers
Intended for the serious computer science or computer information systems student. An introduction to various aspects of the body of knowledge known as computer science. Topics to include concepts of computer hardware and software, CPU concepts, program development and applications, ethics, and career opportunities in Computer Science and Computer Information Systems, including an introduction to structured programming using an appropriate state-of-the-art structured language. As the first course in all CS and CIS options, this course is intended to help students in choosing a major. Should be taken concurrently with CSIS.D Windows.
CSIS 150 - Structured Programming - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 130
Structured programming concepts and principles including an introduction to data structures. Comprehensive study of a structured programming language with a variety of programming applications. An appropriate state-of-the-art language will be used.
CSIS 180 - Discrete Structures - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 130
The study of mathematical topics and data structures necessary for a successful program of study in Computer Science. Topics include set theory, Boolean algebra, propositional calculus, logic circuits and finite state machines. Take concurrently with MATH 115*.
CSIS 220 - Computer Organization - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 150*
A study of computer organization, binary arithmetic, and basic logic design. Functional logic design level is emphasized, rather than circuit details, to provide understanding of the mechanics of information transfer and control within the computer system. Presented in a form that is independent of any particular technology.
CSIS 280HGS - Special Topics - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
A General Studies course for Honors students. Interdisciplinary course that examines the connections between disciplines.
CSIS 301 - Assembler Languages - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 150*, CSIS 180*
Study of machine characteristics including main storage organization, machine instruction formats, data types, instruction sets, table handling, internal and external subprograms. Introduction to IBM 370 Assembly. A concurrent enrollment in CSIS 100.B VM/CMS is recommended.
CSIS 302 - Principles of Programming Languages - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 301*
A comparative study of the run-time behavior of contemporary programming languages. Topics include language definition, the history and evolution of programming languages, control constructs, variables and constants, typing, binding, recursion, scope and extent, data abstraction, exception handling, concurrency, functional programming and object-oriented programming.
CSIS 310 - Advanced Structured COBOL - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 110GS
Study of advanced structured COBOL programming techniques and applications with respect to table handling, subprograms, sequential files, and indexed sequential files.
CSIS 330 - Algorithms and Data Structures - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 150* and junior standing
Comprehensive study of data structures, abstract data types, sorting and searching techniques, and program applications of algorithmic process. A structured programming language will be used.
CSIS 350 - Information Systems Concepts - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220*
Role, structure, objectives of information systems. Theory of systems and information. Decision support systems, human considerations and applications. System evaluation and selection.
CSIS 375 - Operations Research - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220*, MATH 115*
Study of techniques in operation research linear programming, sensitivity analysis, goal programming, queuing theory, and PERT/CPM.
CSIS 380 - System Analysis and Design - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220*
System Life Cycle. Goals, tools, strategies for system and information analysis. Need identification, feasibility determination, requirements assessment. Project management and group dynamics.
CSIS 399 - Campus Lab Consultantship - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: permission of instructor
Work in campus computer labs as a consultant to computer science and computer information system students. (A total of three credit hours in any combination of CSIS 399 and CSIS 492-495 may be applied toward a computer science/information systems major or minor.)
CSIS 400/800P - Computer Simulation - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220*; BMGT 233* or STAT 241GS or STAT 345*
Study of fourth generation languages and simulation techniques. Applications involving design and analysis of models constructed utilizing software techniques and an appropriate simulation language.
CSIS 401/801P - Operating Systems - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 180*, CSIS 330*
Introduction to modern operating system concepts and design. Topics will include: Processes, semaphores, monitors, concurrent process management, virtual memory, file systems, scheduling algorithms, deadlocks and protection, I/O control interrupt handling, client-server model, remote procedure call, distributed synchronization, threads and transactions.
CSIS 402/802P - Introduction to Automata, Formal Languages, and Computability - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220*, CSIS 301*, CSIS 330*
A survey of the fundamental concepts and conclusions in the theory of computation. Topics cover regular languages and finite automata, Kleen's theorem, context-free languages and pushdown automata, formal grammars, Chomsky hierarchy, Turing machine and computability, computational complexity.
CSIS 405/805P - Compiler Construction - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 402*
Techniques and organization of compilers, assemblers, and interpreters. Structure of programming language symbol tables, scans, and object code generation.
CSIS 422/822P - Computer Graphics - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 180*, CSIS 330*
Introduction to the techniques for generating lines, curves, surfaces, 2D and 3D graphics, modeling and rendering. Topics include display hardware, transformations, interactive technologies, geometric modeling, 2D and 3D display algorithms, graphics software system architecture, visible-surface algorithms, illumination and shading.
CSIS 425/825P - Database Systems - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 330*; or CSIS 380*; or BMIS 381*, junior standing
Comprehensive study of multi-user database concepts. Detailed study of file organizations. A survey of hierarchical, network, and relational approaches to databases. Emphasis on proper database design.
CSIS 426/826P - Computer Architecture - 4 hours
- Prereq: PHYS 205GS* or PHYS 275GS*; 6 hours of CSIS courses, preferably CSIS 130* and CSIS 301*
The study of the logic and theory of operation of the main hardware blocks of computers, their control, and their software/hardware interactions. The emphasis is on microcomputer architecture, including laboratory experiments with various systems and their I/O and interfacing characteristics.
CSIS 428/828P - Data Communications and Distributed Processing - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220*; or BMIS 382* or CSIS 431* or equivalent, junior standing
Comprehensive study of needs and characteristics of remote computing. Telephony and related characteristics of communications media. Design and functions of networks, communications hardware, software, systems and protocols.
CSIS 431/831P - Educational Technology Concepts - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220* or equivalent
An introduction to the field of Instructional Technology; review of the concepts and terminology of computer usage; analysis of the historical perspective and societal impact; overviews of topics such as structured programming, discrete structures, assembler languages, algorithms, and operating systems. Intended for Teachers, Educational Technologists, and Administrators. Cannot be applied toward a Computer Science/Information Systems Major or Minor.
CSIS 436/836P - Computer Assisted Instruction - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220* or equivalent
Concepts and techniques of developing, evaluating, acquiring, and using CAI; includes the use of pre-written, custom written, and authoring systems software, integrating the computer into the classroom. For Teachers, Educational Technologists, and Administrators. Cannot be applied toward any other Computer Science/Information Systems Major or Minor.
CSIS 437/837P - Teaching of Computer Science - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220* or equivalent, junior standing
Course will include the topics of curriculum, teaching models and learning styles, and evaluation. Intended only for Teachers. Cannot be applied toward any other Computer Science/Information System Major or Minor.
CSIS 438/838P - Computer Managed Instruction - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220* or equivalent
Concepts and techniques of developing, evaluating, acquiring, and using CMI; includes use of pre-written, custom written, and generalized software such as word processing, spreadsheet, and data base; includes applications such as construction of classroom materials and tests, gradebook posting, statistical analysis, authoring systems, school administration, counseling and budget management. Setting up and management of computer labs and devices including networking and robotics. Intended for Teachers, Educational Technologists, and Administrators. Cannot be applied toward any other Computer Science/Information Systems Major or Minor.
CSIS 439/839P - LOGO and Problem Solving - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220* or equivalent
Learning the LOGO philosophy and language through applications in graphics, string manipulation, and calculations. Techniques of using the computer for problem solving and application of strategies to the learning process. For Teachers and Educational Technologists. Cannot be applied toward any other Computer Science/Information Systems Majors or Minors.
CSIS 440/840P - Hypertext and Multimedia - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220* or equivalent
This course covers the wide range of state-of-the-art computer technologies that are used to present information in a multimedia context. Students will create cards, stacks and scripts to interface text, graphics, sound and external devices including CD ROM, video disk and tape, scanners, high resolution displays, and specialized projection. Students will program using popular multimedia hypertext languages such as HyperCard and Linkway. Emphasis is on matching technology to curriculum.
CSIS 441/841P - Artificial Intelligence - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220* or equivalent, junior standing
An in-depth study of programming (language) as applied to programming to model intelligent processes, game-playing, theorem-proving, natural languages and vision systems, problem solving analysis, tree and search methods, augmented transition networks, and frames. Applications to psychology, medicine, and such machines as industrial robots are also discussed.
CSIS 492/892P - Practicum in Computer Science/Information Systems - 1-6 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220*, permission of department chair
This course provides the student the opportunity to gain experience in the application of computer science/computer information systems principles in a variety of settings Arrangements must be made in writing prior to registering for the course. (A total of three credit hours of any combination of CSIS 399 and CSIS 492-495 may be applied toward a computer science/information systems major or minor.)
CSIS 493/893P - Directed Readings in Computer Science/Information Systems - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220*, permission of department chair
Independent readings on advanced or contemporary topics in computer science/computer information systems, to be selected in consultation with and directed by a computer science/computer information systems faculty member. A written contract specifying readings and requirements for the course is required before registering for the course. Any topic that is thoroughly covered by any regularly offered computer science or computer information systems course is not allowed for Directed Readings. (A total of three credit hours of any combination of CSIS 399 and CSIS 492-495 may be applied toward a computer science/information systems major or minor.)
CSIS 494/894P - Directed Research in Computer Science/Information Systems - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220*, permission of department chair
Independent original research in computer science/computer information systems under the direction of a computer science/computer information systems faculty member. A written contract specifying topic and requirements is required before registering for the course. (A total of three credit hours in any combination of CSIS 399 and CSIS 492-495 may be applied toward a computer science/information systems major or minor.)
CSIS 495/895P - Independent Study in Computer Science/Information Systems - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 220*, permission of department chair
This course provides the opportunity for students to conduct independent study on any computer science/computer information systems topic not covered by other regularly offered courses. The topic will be selected in consultation with and the study will be supervised by a computer science/computer information systems faculty member. A written contract specifying the topic and requirements is required before registering for the course. (A total of three credit hours in any combination of CSIS 399 and CSIS 492-495 may be applied toward a computer science/information systems major or minor.)
CSIS 496/896P - Seminar in Computer Science - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 330*
Provides experience and background that will prepare the student for an actual working environment. Reinforcement of previous classwork, enhancement of communication skills, and learning to work with people will be stressed. Primary tasks include a team-based computer science project and the study of ethics for computer science professionals. Should be taken in student's senior year.
CSIS 497/897P - Seminar in Computer Information System - 3 hours
- Prereq: CSIS 310*, CSIS 380*
This course provides experience and background that will prepare the student for an actual working environment.Reinforcement and validation of knowledge gained in previous course work, enhancement of communication skills, and learning to work with people will be stressed. Primary tasks will include a team-based information systems development project and the study of ethics for computer information systems development. Should be taken in student's senior year.
CSIS 499/899P - Special Topics in Computer Science & Information Systems - 3 hours
- Prereq: varies with topic
A course is designed to enable students to become knowledgeable of recent trends and issues in computer science and information systems. The course format varies depending on subject matter, instructor and student needs.
* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is required prior to this immediate prerequisite.