A student wishing to withdraw from the university and all classes may do so via the EASI Touchtone Telephone Registration system prior to the beginning of the term. Once classes have begun, the student must complete the appropriate withdrawal form to cancel his/her registration.
The withdrawal form is available from the Enrollment Services Office for the UNDERGRADUATE student and from the Graduate Office for the GRADUATE student. The same procedure and time deadline will be followed as that for dropping a course. The Enrollment Services Office and the Graduate Office are located in Founders Hall.
Students may not withdraw after the ninth week of the semester (or after the mid-point of a course with a duration other than a semester) unless extenuating circumstances exist, in which case the student may receive a "W." Extenuating circumstances are defined as circumstances occurring following the end of the ninth week of a semester or the mid-point of a course and beyond the control of the student which, in the judgment of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Services in consultation with the Withdrawal Committee, constitute appropriate cause for withdrawal without penalty.
A student may not withdraw from a class after the semester or session in which the class was taken has ended. The University reserves the right to exercise an administrative withdrawal. Administrative withdrawals may be initiated when a student's continued presence on the campus would constitute the potential for danger to self or others, or disruption of University community interests including teaching, administration or other University recognized activities.