Associate Professor of Special Education/Communication Disorders; 1995;B.S., University
of Virginia; M.Ed., College of William and Mary; Ph.D., University of Virginia.
Associate Dean, College of Business & Technology and Associate Professor of
Management/Marketing; 1958; B.A., Kearney State College; M.B.A., University of Denver.
Chair and Associate Professor of Special Education/Communication Disorders; 1987; A.B.,
Augustana College; M.A., Western Michigan University; Ph.D., Indiana University.
Chair and Associate Professor of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts; 1988; B.A.Ed.,
University of New Mexico; M.A., Brigham Young University; Ph.D., University of Nebraska.
Assistant Professor of Management/Marketing; 1990; B.S., Fort Hays Kansas State
University; M.A., Mankato State University; Ph.D., University of Northern Colorado.
Chair and Associate Professor of Political Science; 1988; B.A., Creighton University;
J.D., University of Nebraska College of Law; Ph.D., University of Nebraska.