University of Nebraska at Kearney

1996-98 UNK Undergraduate Catalog

College of Business and Technology

Department of

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Business Administration Comprehensive Option

For additional areas of emphases see Department of Business Administration/Education and Department of Management/Marketing.
Kathleen J. Smith, Chair
Professors: Borden, Elder, Morgan
Associate Professors: Shade, Smith, Young
Assistant Professors: C. Sneed, J. Sneed, Swinney

Department Objectives

The Department of Accounting/Finance exists to provide University of Nebraska at Kearney students with the accounting, finance, legal and real estate knowledge necessary to compete in a global business environment. Specifically, the Department:


The Department of Accounting/Finance offers three emphases in this major:
Business Administration Comprehensive Option

Accounting Emphasis
Finance Emphasis
Real Estate Emphasis
For additional areas of emphases see Department of Business Administration/Education and Department of Management/Marketing.

Courses with the prefixes BACC and BFIN are offered by the department.

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1996-1998 UNK Undergraduate Catalog (8-7-95)