Prereq: none
Overview of tourism industry with emphasis on impact of travel. Acquaintance with curriculum for travel/tourism and future potential for the industry.
Prereq: none
Organizing, operating, programming, and administering a modern camp, role of outdoor education in educational process. Fee will be assessed.
Prereq: none
Computer applications in tourism and recreation are introduced, comprehended and applied. Students will learn Microsoft Office systems specific recreation and tourism software, and internet functions.
Prereq: none
Advanced, in-depth studies of various segments of Travel and Tourism and Recreation. Topics designed to prepare students with specific professional skills important to tourism and leisure industries.
Prereq: none
This course is designed to prepare recreation and park majors in the area of patron and program assessment and evaluation. Theories, research techniques, and application of several evaluation models will be presented.
Prereq: none
Student will be assigned full-time with director of programming for private, industrial or governmental fitness and/or leisure programs or in a tourist industry site. A minimum of a four-week block of time will be allotted for the experience. Credit/no credit.
Prereq: none
Topics are studied which are not assigned or covered in other courses in the department . The format of this course will vary depending on the topic, instructor, and the needs of the student.