Prereq: none
An introduction to the technology used in the instructional setting. Students will examine the methodology to implement and use instructional technology in trans-curricular applications. Usage, integration and evaluation of courseware, CD-ROMs, telecommunications, presentation software and hardware, productivity software and electronic library resources are among the emphasis areas. Students will create and demonstrate a hypertext or multimedia project, use productivity software in a variety of projects, use electronic resources in the library and use other instructional technology. Out-of-class activities are extensive and are required.
Prereq: taken concurrently with PTE 290
A study of human behavior as it relates to physical and psychological growth and development, especially in the context of schools. Students will survey a variety of psychological growth models for use in understanding and interpreting behavior in the educational process. (Grading A-F)
Prereq: PTE 200 and admission to teacher education
Students enrolled in the Field-Based Teacher Education Program and Early Training Center are requested to register for this course which acknowledges participation in the program. (Credit/No Credit)
Prereq: taken concurrently with PTE 200
The student will be assigned to a human service agency that works with elementary/secondary youth. (Credit/No Credit)
Prereq: taken concurrently with PTE 390
The course is a study of human learning and its evaluation. The student will examine factors, both internal to the learner (e.g., intelligence, motivation, learning style) and external to the learner (e.g. teaching strategies, interactive classroom environment) that relate to or affect the learner's school performance. (Grading A-F)
Prereq: PTE 290 and concurrently with PTE 300
The student will be assigned to a classroom in a school system, working under the direction of a specific teacher or teachers. (Credit/No Credit)
Prereq: PTE 464, admission to Teacher Education
Students are to check their eligibility and the appropriate credit hours for their respective degree programs with their advisors. Application forms are to be filed on or before February 1 to be eligible for an assignment the following academic year. (Credit/No Credit)
Prereq: PTE 464, methods courses and admission to Teacher Education
Designed to provide observation and supervised participation in approved early childhood programs. (Credit/No Credit)
PTE 400ECSE - Preschool Children with Disabilities - 3 hours
Prereq: PTE 464, admission to Teacher Education and Early Childhood Core and Specialized courses
Designed to provide observation and supervised teaching in approved early childhood centers which enroll a typical child. (Credit/No Credit)
PTE 400M/M - Supervised Student Teaching of Children with Mild/Moderate Disabilities - 6-15 hours
Prereq: PTE 464, SPED 475 and admission to Teacher Education
Designed to provide observation and supervised teaching of students with mild/moderate disabilities. (Credit/No Credit)
PTE 400S - Supervised Student Teaching in the Secondary School - 3-15 hours
Prereq: PTE 464, methods course in major and admission to Teacher Education
Designed to provide observation and supervised teaching in approved secondary schools.
Prereq: none
Designed to enable the future classroom teacher to promote multicultural understanding through varied learning experiences focusing on language and cultural diversity.
Prereq: none
Designed to give opportunities for study of the educational systems in selected areas of the world. May be taken for personal interest, professional growth, or application on a degree program. Students desiring to include this course in a degree program should consult their advisor. (Credit/No Credit)
Prereq: none
This course provides a non-technical introduction to the world of aerospace . Students are familiarized with aerospace resources and provided guidance in the use of aerospace education materials in the classroom . A field trip to selected aerospace points of interest is an integral part of the course.
Prereq: PTE 200, PTE 300 and admission to Teacher Education
This course will provide an understanding of the school's organization, administration and financing, as well as the relationship of the school and the teacher to the community, the state and the nation. This course is to be completed prior to student teaching. (Grading A-F)
Prereq: permission of PTE faculty
Investigation of a selected topic or problem on an individual basis . Designed to serve students in teacher education who desire additional study in an area of interest.