Prereq: none
Analysis of the personal and managerial implications of cultural diversity within work groups and organizations . Focus on the general mechanisms of discrimination, prejudice and organizational change , to address issues confronted by people from different cultural identity groups . The course moves from the social psychological nature of prejudice to a more sociological analysis of cultural , institutional and structural arrangements that produce biases, inequities and segregation . Examination of legislative and organizational initiatives aimed at addressing diversity issues , and change programs design to move organizations toward more multicultural workplaces.
Prereq: MATH 120 or MATH 123
A statistical analysis of business and economic data used in business and how this analysis aids in making sound business decisions. Some sections use computer applications. F, Sp.
Prereq: Junior standing
An integrated study of the functions of a manager: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. An in-depth look at the classical and behavioral theories. Some sections use computer applications. F, Sp.
Prereq: BMIS 181 This course explores the transformation of materials, land, labor, and capital into goods and services. Quantitative management systems are applied to the manufacturing process. F, Sp.
Prereq: BMGT 233; MATH 120 or MATH 123
A study of the application of statistical techniques to business decisions such as risk, cost curves, forecasting, marketing research and quality control. Some sections use computer applications. Sp.
Prereq: none
Designed to develop understanding of and appreciation for the complex interrelationships of people in formal organizations. The course focuses on both individual and group behavior, with emphases on motivation, leadership, conflict, and other aspects of organizational dynamics. F, Sp.
Prereq: BACC 251, BMKT 300
Designed to develop the student's understanding of the economic and social environment within which the small firm functions, and the influence this has on decision making. F.
Prereq: none
The theory and practice of recruiting employees, utilizing their efforts effectively, and maintaining their willingness to work in the employing organization. F, Sp.
Prereq: none
A study of the basic forms of financial compensation, including benefits packages. Principles of internal, external, and individual equity as determined by job evaluation, salary surveys, and performance evaluation comprise the core of this course. F.
Prereq: BMGT 380, recommended
A study of labor-management relations as defined by negotiated labor contracts. Topics include history of the labor movement, union structure and function, the negotiation process, and issues in labor relations. Sp.
Prereq: none
Overview of the concepts and techniques of quality management . Statistical tools; people element of quality management; philosophies and practices of quality experts discussed . Sp.
Prereq: MATH 102, BMGT 233 or equivalent; BMGT 181, BMGT 182, recommended
Recent developments relating to business application of linear programming, simplex method, transportation method, post optimality analysis, game theory, utility theory, PERT-CPM, queuing theory, dynamic programming, Markov chains. Some sections use computer applications. Sp.
Prereq: BMGT 380
Provides the student with an opportunity to study and research current issues in human resource management; course stresses an informal setting and open communications approach. Sp.
Prereq: Senior Standing and permission of the Department Chair
This course affords the student an opportunity to serve in a consultant capacity for an area business. In-depth business analysis is conducted by the student, and specific recommendations are reported to the management of the firm. F, Sp.
Prereq: BMGT 355 or BMGT 455
Provides the student an opportunity to study and research current issues in organizational behavior and to develop a futuristic philosophy of organizational management. F.
Prereq: Junior or Senior Standing
A study of the societal challenge of business; how business and society interface; the micro and macro publics of business; ecology; consumerism and technology as societal problems; the ethics of business. F, Sp.
Prereq: BACC 251, BACC 311, BACC 312, BMKT 300 and BMGT 370
A study of how to locate and evaluate small business opportunities and how to start and operate a small business . F.
Prereq: Senior standing and all 300 level Business Core courses
A case study course designed (1) to integrate the knowledge acquired in other courses in business administration, and (2) to emphasize analysis and decision-making. F, Sp.
Prereq: none
Selected topics and problems of current interest considered in depth. Class discussion and course projects. Topics vary each semester depending upon instructor. On demand.
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Independent investigations of business problems. Topics to be investigated may be tailored to meet the needs of the student. A case study course designed (1) to integrate the knowledge acquired in other courses in business administration, and (2) to emphasize analysis and decision-making. Must be approved by Department Chair. F, Sp.