Prereq: none
This course is a study of the causes, characteristics and educational implications for individuals with exceptional needs. The course also introduces students to the historical development, relevant legislation and litigation, and trends and issues in the field of special education. Understanding students from culturally diverse backgrounds will also be explored.
Prereq: SPED 234 or department permission
This course provides the skills for collaboration with families and with other professionals. It provides knowledge regarding family systems, the impact of having a child with special needs in the family, and legal and procedural safeguards regarding exceptional children and their families. Communication and teaming skills will be practiced.
Prereq: none
This course is designed to examine the role and responsibilities of general education teachers in educating individuals with disabilities . Specific topics include: state and federal regulations; referral/evaluation/placement procedures ; the functions of the SAT, MDT., and IEP teams; procedural safeguards; service delivery models and trends in the field of special education . In addition, the course will address the characteristics of various disabilities with an emphasis on material adaptation , environmental modifications, and behavioral strategies which promote the education of individuals with disabilities in integrated settings.
Prereq: none
This course is designed to identify and describe various intervention strategies for increasing and maintaining appropriate student behaviors and for decreasing or eliminating inappropriate behaviors. Class members will accurately recognize, observe, record and chart inappropriate behaviors, determine behavioral objectives, employ the least restrictive intervention, and foster self-management skills.
Prereq: none
This is an introductory course concerned with the cognitive, physical, and socio-emotional characteristics of gifted learners, their related educational needs, and implications for their appropriately differentiated education. The historical perspective of the field and major research studies contributing to the knowledge-base will be discussed. Other course content includes the assessment and subsequent identification of gifted learners, and related specialized educational services. problems, differentiation of curriculum, and exemplary programs.
Prereq: SPED 400 or department permission
The major focus of this course is understanding the social and emotional development of the gifted learner. A secondary focus will consist of a cursory overview of issues related to the guidance and counseling of the gifted learner. The content will also include counseling and guidance principles and related strategies of intervention for gifted learners. The nature and needs of special populations of gifted learners will also be discussed.
Prereq: SPED 400, SPED 401 or department permission
The course will focus on exemplary curricular models in gifted education, including the strengths and weaknesses of each. The course content includes appropriate instructional strategies for gifted learners, such as critical thinking strategies, creative thinking strategies, problem-solving approaches, independent learning, research methods, and higher level questioning.
Prereq: PSY 453, recommended
Philosophical and legal bases for early intervention, and current trends, issues, policies and procedures are examined. Factors related to developmental risk or delay and to atypical developmental processes are presented, along with intervention models and curricular adaptations.
Prereq: none
The course will provide an extensive study of the classification, causes, and social, behavioral, adaptive, and learning characteristics of individuals with mental retardation. Contemporary issues in prevention, diagnosis, placement alternatives, education, and training, and societal reactions to individuals with mental retardation will be examined.
Prereq: SPED 406, ELED 362 or departmental permission
This course will provide knowledge required to manage programs and to adapt teaching strategies, curricula, and materials for preschool and kindergarten children with disabilities emphasizing those with mild to moderate disabilities. Students will acquire the methodology to promote domain specific development, functional skills, and child-child interactions in group settings. Field experience is included.
Prereq: SPED 234 or department permission
This course is designed to focus on the identification, characteristics, historical and legal aspects of students with learning disabilities. Students will study and critique current research related to learning disabilities and how it affects teaching practices. An emphasis will be placed on how learning disabilities affect students academically (e.g., reading, language, math, writing) and socially.
Prereq: SPED 406, SPED 367 and PSY 453 or department permission
This course will provide knowledge and skills to intervene with infants and toddlers, emphasizing those with moderate to severe disabilities. Included are medical and physical aspects of developmental delay and the influences of these conditions on all developmental processes. Family focused intervention strategies will be planned and implemented by the student in field experiences.
Prereq: SPED 446A, SPED 406 or departmental permission
This course prepares students to evaluate assessment tools for young children, determine their appropriateness for various purposes, write and interpret evaluation reports, and translate assessment results into intervention goals and strategies. In field experiences students will administer tests and interpret and report the results.
Prereq: SPED 234, SPED 418, SPED 410, SPED 312, SPED 367 and Senior standing or department permission
The course is designed to introduce students to the assessment process in special education by addressing procedural safeguards; data collection via informal and standardized procedures; issues in assessment; psychometric properties of standardized tests; and administration, scoring, and interpretation of selected instruments. Seminar presentations will include lecture material; in-class demonstrations and practice of test administration, scoring and interpretations of test results; and writing of instructional objectives.
Prereq: SPED 234, SPED 418 and SPED 312 or department permission
This course is designed to prepare students to teach elementary students with mild disabilities. The course emphasizes appropriate instructional methods, materials, and techniques for modifying curriculum for elementary students with mild disabilities, specific learning disabilities, or behavior disorders.
Prereq: SPED 410, SPED 476 and SPED 312 or department permission
This course is designed to prepare students to teach adolescents with mild disabilities . The course emphasizes appropriate methods and materials for secondary learners, with a specific emphasis on the learning strategies curriculum . Students will also learn how to develop individualized transitional plans.
Prereq: SPED 234, SPED 367, SPED 476 and SPED 410 or department permission
The course is designed to prepare students to teach individuals with moderate disabilities . An emphasis will be placed upon task analytic assessment and instruction, functional curriculum, and enhancing transitions from school to work and community settings.
Prereq: SPED 234, SPED 418 and SPED 410 or department permission
This course is designed to assist future personnel in developing competencies to meet the responsibilities of the special education teacher. The following area will be emphasized: curriculum-based assessment/measurement in the content areas; the development and implementation of IEPs; the role of paraeducators; completion of forms and documents, organizing student records, and practice considerations for the successful implementation of inclusive programming. In-class simulations and role play exercises will enable class members to develop skills necessary for serving individuals with disabilities.
Prereq: permission of Special Education/Communication Disorders Department
Designed to provide the students with an opportunity to examine current issues in Special Education.