Through a consortium consisting of Nebraska state universities and state colleges, 28 Nebraska students will be able to study abroad for one semester at the Irish Institute for European Affairs, Leuven, Belgium and Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
The semester includes study with two faculty from Nebraska institutions as well as study with faculty and experts from throughout Europe. The semester begins in early March and runs until early June. Students will register for a minimum of 12 hours of course study that are conducted from Monday through Thursday. The approximate cost for the semester, which includes room, board, travel, tuition and excursions is approximately $5500.
Applications for the program are due September 15 with selection made by October 1. For more information visit the Office of International Education.
The ABEU/Utrecht consortium brings universities from the Midwest together with universities from the European ERASMUS program to facilitate student exchange for the purpose of developing internationally competent citizens who can participate in the development of our nations' foreign policy, provide international political economic and social leadership, and who understand nations, cultures and people who have different histories, traditions and religions. Specific information about the European universities is available in the Office of International Education.