University of Nebraska at Kearney
Student Affairs and Activities

1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalo

Health Services

The goals of the University of Nebraska at Kearney health program are the promotion of optimum physical and emotional health, prevention of disability and disease, and education for healthful individual and community living. Health Services is part of the Student Affairs Division.

All students, including international and transfer students, are required to have a physical examination completed by their family physician. Immunizations must be current or proof of immunity provided for the following diseases: rubella (three day measles), rubeola (hard, red measles), and mumps; diphtheria/tetanus, and polio immunizations are also required. If the booster immunization for rubeola, rubella, and mumps (MMR immunization) has not been given since 1980, it will be necessary to be reimmunized. Exceptions to this policy are if the student was born prior to 1957 or for medical reasons. Students will not be permitted to register for their next semester if this requirement is not met. If the student has lost his/her immunization records, the student will have to be reimmunized.

The Student Health Services, located in the Memorial Student Affairs Building, is under the medical direction of Kearney Clinic doctors. A physician is on campus daily at specified times, and appointments are made by the health service nurses.

Health service nurses are on duty during scheduled office hours. Students must assume the responsibility for the cost of prescription medications, allergy injections, articles loaned (crutches, ace bandages, arm slings, heating pads), ear irrigation, MMR immunization for freshmen only, medical transcripts, complete physical examination, vaginal examination, laboratory work, physical therapy, and X-ray. Students seen in the emergency room at the hospital after hours will be charged the usual fee by physicians. Parents are notified in case of serious illness or injury. It is advisable for students to be covered by health insurance or to participate in the optional student health insurance program available through UNK. International students are required to have health and accident insurance. Please see "Admission of International Students" section for specific information regarding insurance requirements for international students.

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