University of Nebraska at Kearney
Student Affairs and Activities

1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalo


Academic and Other Organizations

Accounting Society: The organization seeks to promote understanding of, and appreciation for the accounting profession.

Airway Science: Enables students to cultivate an interest in aviation.

African Heritage Association: Encourages a deeper understanding of the African culture.

American Marketing Association: Open to all students interested in marketing.

Antelope: The student newspaper.

Association for Computer Machinery: For students interested in computer science.

Awareness Peer Educators Association: Presents educational programs for students.

Biology Club: Membership is open to anyone interested in biology.

Campus Democrats: Stimulates interest in governmental affairs and fosters and perpetuates the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party.

College Republicans: Supports the Republican Party and works to involve young people in government.

Criminal Justice Club: Open to students majoring or minoring in criminal justice.

Dietetics Association, UNK Student Chapter: Open to all persons who are dietetics majors or to those interested in foods or nutrition.

Elementary Education Majors Club: Membership is open to all elementary education majors.

Geography Club (Friends of Geography): All students interested in geography are invited to become members.

Great Plains Model United Nations: Promotes social awareness of better standards of life and increased justice.

History Club: Open to any students who are interested in history.

Hispanic Student Association: Seeks to encourage awareness of the Hispanic heritage.

Industrial Technology Club: Open to UNK students with at least a 2.0 overall GPA who are interested in industrial technology, management and telecommunications.

InterFraternity Council: Governing body for fraternities.

International Association of Business Communications: Exposes students to a chosen field of business and provides opportunities for practical experience.

International Student Association: Encourages international student participation in social, cultural, and academic programs.

Intramural Council: Students who assist the intramural director in administering and adjudicating the intramural program.

Locke and Key Political Science Society: Open to all students interested in political science.

Marketing-UNK Collegiate Chapter of American Marketing: Offers experience and employment information in the field of marketing.

MENC (Music Educators National Conference): All music majors and minors are eligible for membership.

NAEA (National Art Education Association) UNK Student Chapter: Promotes interest in art and art education.

Native American Students Association: Members have an opportunity to gain an understanding of the cultural heritage of Native Americans.

Nebraska Home Economics Association, Student Members Section: Designed to acquaint students with the field and to develop leadership skills; members must be a family and consumer science major or minor.

Omicron Rho Chi: Promotes excellence in dance. All interested students are welcome.

Panhellenic Council: Governing body for sororities.

Pershing Rifles: University Honor Guard. Develops drill and Ceremonies Membership includes Cannon Crew duties and honors for distinguished visitors.

Pharmacy Club: Provides its members with information on current trends and careers in the field of pharmacy.

Phi Beta Lambda: A national organization open to all UNK students interested in business and business education.

Phi Rho Epsilon: Students interested in French culture are encouraged to join.

Physical Education Majors and Minors: For students seeking an endorsement in coaching and/or teaching.

Pi Kappa Delta: Open to all students interested in debate, forensics, and a broader understanding of the human communication process.

Psychology Club: Welcomes all students who are interested in psychology.

Rangers: ROTC Varsity Sport, "Ranger Challenge" Develops Army small unit tactics and leadership while fostering team work.

Recreational Fitness Club: Advances interest in recreation, physical fitness, and management of leisure time.

Rodeo Club: Open to students interested in the sport of rodeo and intercollegiate rodeo competition.

Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM): Facilitates knowledge of new developments in the field of human resources. Open to all students interested in Human Resource Management.

Society for Physics Students: All students with an interest in physics are invited to join.

Sociology Club: Designed to exchange ideas, learn about career opportunities and to encourage student participation on campus and in the community.

Spanish Club: For students interested in Spanish culture and language.

Kearney Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (KSSLHA): Promotes interest in and support for, the areas of speech, language and hearing as a profession Any interested student may join.

Student Advocates - 49'ers: An organized student lobbyist group dedicated to representing the institution at the Nebraska Legislature. Membership is open to all students.

Student Conduct Board: A residence hall student peer board that deals with residence hall discipline cases.

Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC): Membership is open to students with a major or minor in special education.

Student Court: The judicial branch of student government Members are appointed by the Student Senate president.

Student Education Association of Nebraska: This organization provides information to students preparing for a career in education.

Student Nurses Association: Open to pre-nursing students and nursing students.

Student Senate: Acts as the legislative branch of the Associated Students of UNK.

Student Social Work Organization (SSWO): Enhances the quality of social work principles, ethical values, practices, and services.

Students Plus: Serves as a support group for UNK students who are 25 years of age or older. The group assists nontraditional students in achieving academic success and acts as a social facilitator.

Travel and Tourism Club: This club is open to all students who are interested in learning about tourism on a regional, state, national, and international level.

United Minority Students Association (UMSA): The UMSA promotes understanding of and among various minority groups affiliated with UNK. UMSA seeks to promote the importance and value of cultural diversity.

Wildlife Society: Aims to enlarge and develop a better interest and understanding in wildlife science and fishery science.

Youth Association for Retarded Citizens (YARC): Members serve as friends to mentally retarded persons, to help them learn to live in, work in, and attempt to better their world.

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